How to Generate Leads Online in 4 Easy Steps

by Business Planning & Opportunities Published on: 10 May 2018 Last Updated on: 19 September 2018

generate leads online

Do you feel like you’ve reached a plateau when it comes to your lead generation strategy?

Are you tired of spending your afternoon’s cold calling — to no avail?

If so, then it sounds like it might be the time to rethink your current lead generation strategy.

In this post, you’ll learn how to generate leads online through blogging, writing eGuides, submitting to digital directories, and a whole lot more.

By the end of it, we know that you’ll feel much more confident about the many tactics you can take to grow your business.

1. Write an eGuide :

You’ve worked hard — and have gained years of experience — within your industry.

You know the typical problems that those in your niche face, and can offer several solutions about how to solve them. You’ve worked with some of the most popular products within your industry, and know which ones are worth their salt and which ones aren’t worth the investment.

In short, you have a lot to say — advice that could help others who want to break into your industry.

How can you use this expertise to generate leads online?

By writing an eGuide.

First of all, if you put your eGuide up behind a paywall or sell it for a few bucks, it’s an awesome way to generate a little extra income. Additionally, it can help you to strengthen your authority and overall brand recognition within your industry.

So, pick a topic you’re interested in, and start writing!

2. Start a Blog :

It’s no secret that starting blog comes with a whole host of benefits for your personal and professional brand.

Not only will blogging help you to rank higher in the search engine results, but it will also help you to decrease the time it takes for you to connect with your target market online.

By using keywords in your content, you can ensure that the people who are searching for the products and services you have to offer to end up on your page. Plus, because your blogging content helps you to prove your expertise, you can also increase consumer trust in your brand.

In addition to writing your own blog, be sure to also comment on the blogs of others within your


When you comment, make it a point to embed a link to your website or blog within your comment signature. After all, the people who are reading a blog that’s similar to your own will likely also be interested in what you have to say!

Blogging — and getting active in the comments section of other blogs — is an awesome way to gain new business leads.

3. Get Professional Training :

When you want to better understand how to generate leads online, it’s helpful to get as many different perspectives as possible

Of course, you don’t always have time to take an in-person course — or hire a professional to do the hard work of network marketing and SEO for you.

Luckily, there are lots of online courses and webinars that you can enroll in.

One of our favorites is this company, Yoobly.

Their webinars will help you to understand how to generate leads, how to grow your network marketing team, the best ways to follow up, and even show you how to use your mobile device to connect with prospects while on the go.

Plus, these programs also help you to connect with other network marketing professionals and entrepreneurs in your area.

Anything that you can do to increase your clout in your industry — and online — is always a smart idea!

4. Rapid-Fire tips on how to Generate Leads Online :

While so far in this post, we’ve discussed more detailed ways to get new business leads, now, let’s get into the quick and dirty tips you need to succeed.

Get on Twitter :

If you know that there’s a hot conversation or big topic happening within your industry, don’t be afraid to express your opinion about it!

Twitter is the best place to engage with followers and other people interested in your industry or products/services.

By speaking up about an issue or commenting on a trending hashtag, you’ll generate new leads and prove your expertise.

Write a Guest Post :

While taking care of your own blog’s content is important, you should also be sure that you write guests posts for the sites that you read the most.

These posts can be an opinion about a recent change in your industry, a brief how-to guide, or pretty much anything else you want to share your expertise about!

List your Company on Online Directories :

Think of online directories like the Yellow Pages of the Internet.

Submit your website to as many of them as you can in order to generate leads online. This way, you make it easier than ever for the people who want to buy what you’re selling to find you.

How to Generate Leads Online: Wrapping up :

No matter the size of your business or the industry you’re working within, we know that you want to be able to learn how to generate leads online.

Remember, some of the most effective ways to do just that include writing an eGuide or guest post, getting a blog, or even looking into professional lead generation training.

Entrepreneurship is, above all, about your commitment to the hustle.

Looking for more advice on how to grow your company and stay motivated?

We can help.

Spend some time on our website and blog to gain access to some of the ways that you can make this your best year ever.

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Ariana Smith is a blogger who loves to write about anything that is related to business and marketing, She also has interest in entrepreneurship & Digital marketing world including social media & advertising.

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