B2B Discount International Trading Platform For Unclaimed Cargoc

by Business Published on: 15 February 2023 Last Updated on: 16 February 2023

International Trading Platform For Unclaimed Cargoc

B2B Discount opens new opportunities for selling unclaimed goods. Traders, forwarders, and other market participants can buy and sell their products fast. The B2B Discount platform was created for international trade. Our website is the most effective way to establish new business connections between companies selling around the globe.

Our services cover different aspects of international trade, including the B2B market, TradeBit service for buyers and vendors, and unclaimed cargo sales. Do you need more information on the latter? We are here to tell you all.

What Is Unclaimed Cargo?

Imagine the situation where you ship a bulk of goods to your buyer’s destination only to find out that the deal cannot be closed for some reason. You cannot return the cargo because of the huge financial loss it will bring to your company.

What should you do in such a case? Look for the other customer who will agree to purchase the goods. Easier to say than do, don’t you think so? But thanks to B2B Discount, things get easier.

Our trading platform plays the role of an intermediary between the seller and the buyer, so you can find companies interested in your products by addressing our website. Unclaimed B2B cargo will be sold to other customers, and you won’t lose your money.

Reasons B2B Cargo Becomes Unclaimed

Reasons B2B Cargo Becomes Unclaimed

Every day thousands of B2B trading operations are processed around the globe. And usually, the deals go with no problems. Still, in some cases, the vendors get into situations where they have to refuse the cargo not due to its quality but due to other reasons.

For instance, the consignee cannot close the deal with the selling company due to financial problems. Or, the company’s importing license expires, and it cannot renew it fast enough. The import regulations of the receiving country may also be changed when the goods have already been shipped.

Finally, some unpredictable causes can interfere with the trading deal. Such a situation happened in the winter of 2022 when the war in Ukraine started. The ports couldn’t receive ships, so the cargo owners had to find new customers for their goods within the shortest terms.

As you can see, unclaimed cargo has nothing to do with refusal due to poor quality. It’s just the circumstances that make companies fail to complete their part of the deal. Anyway, thanks to this, other market participants get the chance to buy cargo at the best price in the market.

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How To Buy Unclaimed Cargo At B2B Discount?

B2B Discount is a global online trading platform that charges no fees for its services. All you should do to get access to its database of companies selling unclaimed cargo or offer your own cargo on the website is to sign up and follow these steps:

Go to the Unclaimed cargo section.

Click on Add Offer if you want to sell cargo.

Complete the given form and add photos of the product.

Those wishing to buy unclaimed cargo at B2B Discount can find the relevant offers in the Unclaimed cargo section. The next step is to open a private chat with the seller. That’s it. At B2B Discount everything’s fast and simple.

Please note that one of the main requirements for your goods to be displayed on our website is their price should be 5 – 90% lower than the price stated in the original contract.

Why Use B2B Discount?

Why Use B2B Discount

Why would cargo owners sell quality goods cheaply? There are multiple reasons explaining such a step. The first is that it’s much easier to find a new consignee if the cargo price is better than other offers available in the market. In circumstances where this should be done fast, offering a discount is the best decision.

Second is that the charges for the demurrage and port storage of goods that will be claimed from the cargo owner can nullify the potential revenue. So it’s always a better choice to sell cheaper than not to sell and pay for the storage.

Problems with the shipping line are another trouble cargo owners want to escape by offering their goods cheaper at the B2B Discount platform. Potential buyers, on the other hand, get a great opportunity to get the bulk of goods they need at a bargain price. Besides, the terms of delivery in such cases are usually much shorter compared to common deals. Therefore, both parties win from such a partnership.

What Are The Benefits Of Selling Unclaimed Cargo Via B2B Discount?

B2B Discount is an international trading platform with expertise and experience in foreign trade. By selling and buying unclaimed cargo at our website, you can enjoy the following benefits: A proactive approach of the company. We not only help to buy and trade unclaimed goods but also apply significant effort to prevent situations where the consignee refuses to receive the cargo

We can provide you with a backup plan in case things go wrong with your ongoing contract. If the customer makes you doubt the success of the deal, you can start looking for potential buyers in advance so that the moment the situation changes, you know how to act. Our platform guarantees complete anonymity. The information about the cargo and your company’s contacts is hidden unless you open access. Our managers verify each offer placed on B2B Discount.

We check the shipping documents and ask for photo materials to prove the cargo is legal. Also, potential buyers can use our online containers and cargo tracking system to track the location of the goods. We are not involved in any financial operations between the buyer and the seller. Our only goal is to help both parties connect and make a fair deal.

If you are looking for an international trading platform that will provide you with round-the-clock customer support, ultimate service, and the opportunity to enhance your business by getting buyers from around the globe, B2B Discount is the best choice.

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Author Bio: Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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