3 Tips For Hiring Seasonal Help

by Management Published on: 21 January 2019 Last Updated on: 24 September 2024

Hiring Seasonal

If you own or operate a business that has a lot of fluctuation over the different seasons of the year, you might find yourself looking for seasonal help around the same time as the years go on. But while it can be great for business for you to have a few months where your products or services are selling like crazy, it can be very hard for you to plan for this time or manage your resources effectively. So to help ensure that you’re able to get the help you need at the time that you need them, here are three tips for hiring seasonal employees.

Make The Job Description Clear:

Once you’re aware that you’re going to be needing seasonal help, it’s important that you’re able to find the exact new hires that will fit perfectly with your business. While some people are anxious to take on some work during certain seasons, others may be looking for more of a permanent position, which can make finding the right candidates difficult. What will make this search a little easier on you, according to Steve Nicastro, a contributor to NerdWallet, is to write a clear job description of the positions you have open. Make it very apparent that you’re only looking for seasonal help right now. But if there is a chance for a full-time hire after the seasonal work is over, you can also state that as well.

Start Hiring Earlier Than You Might Think:

Before your busy season even starts, Saige Driver, a contributor to Business News Daily, advises that you start planning and preparing for your new hires. The last thing you want to be doing while you’re in your busiest season is training new employees. In situations such as this, your new hires will likely only serve to be hindrances to your business. So to ensure you have a workforce that’s ready to take on more work as soon as your busy season comes on, ensure that you’ve hired and trained seasonal help well ahead of time.

Look For Internal Referrals:

Because it can be hard to find good seasonal help for many businesses, one strategy you might want to try, according to Chris Rush, a contributor to Entrepreneur.com, is looking for internal referrals from your current staff. If you’re able to have an employee referred to you by someone that you already know and trust, you can rest a little easier knowing that an employee that you value has given their stamp of approval. While you’ll still want to do your due diligence, this can make finding good help a little easier.

For businesses that are always in need of good seasonal employees, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you find the assistance you need.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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