5 Small Business Ideas That You Can Start Without Assistance

by Small Business Published on: 06 December 2018 Last Updated on: 26 September 2024

Small Business Ideas

So much goes into starting a business from scratch that most aspiring entrepreneurs wouldn’t consider doing it without some assistance. Quitting your 9-5 and venturing into the unknown is not for the faint-hearted. But, it’s far from impossible. These days, there are a number of different small businesses that you can start without a single helping hand.

It may be tempting to take out some extra cash or sacrifice long-term earnings to find a partner or hire some employees. After all, roughly 80% of small businesses don’t make it through their first year. But by starting small and minimizing your expenses, you’ll lower your risk of running out of funds.

You’ll also be free to handle your business the way you feel is best. If you have the right expertise and enough passion, you can easily build up a basis on which to grow your business and eventually outsource your work as it becomes more demanding.

1. Backyard Specialist:

Full-time pool cleaners, gardening specialists and roof cleaners make a lot more than most people think. Once you’ve acquired the necessary equipment, your running costs are fairly small and your hourly rate can be increased as your reputation grows. You can even rent equipment from the beginning to cash in faster.

One of the best things about going into business as a backyard specialist is that you can capitalise on word of mouth advertising. Many small businesses find that there just isn’t a budget to market, but when you are working in a field like lawncare or pool cleaning, neighbours can see the results and are more likely to ask, “Who does your lawn?” You can offer referral bonuses to clients and the only thing it costs you is your time and perhaps a small bit of the profit you would have otherwise made.

2. Getting into Forex:

The great thing about forex trading is that it doesn’t require unobtainable amounts of capital, hours of your time or a team of employees to get started with. Even as you progress and start making considerable amounts of money, your forex trading business can easily remain yours and yours alone to handle.

All you’ll really need is a broker. There are lists of forex brokers at InvestinGoal, where you can find archives containing information on the highest rated brokers in different fields. There are also lists for different countries, payment processors and categories such as high leverage and lowest spread, helping aspiring traders find out who to work with from the beginning.

3. Personal Trainer:

All you need to succeed as a personal trainer is certification, a passion for people and some startup capital for equipment and insurance. If you can prove through enjoyable sessions and effective social media marketing that you’re the best personal trainer in your area, then you’re set.

As it would be with any other kind of service in a local market area, the bulk of your business may very well come from word of mouth as mentioned above. Friends of your clients will see the physical changes you’ve helped to bring about and their natural curiosity will prompt them to ask what their friends are doing differently.

Also, once you land a gig as a personal trainer with an athlete, it’s like getting your foot in the proverbial door. It only takes a few great games or wins in matches and other local athletes will want to know how those players stepped up their game. You may not have money to invest in a rented space in the beginning, but what you can invest without the help of anyone is that extra bit of effort in the people you work with.

4. Bed and Breakfast:

Do you have a spare room, garage or otherwise unused space in your home? Now would be a good time to consider turning that space into cash. With modern innovations like Airbnb, you can easily connect with a network of people who need a place to stay.

Many people have discovered Airbnb, which has gone international. All you need is an extra room, which can be let out nightly or weekly to travellers who don’t want to pay the high cost of hotels or are looking for something a bit more casual. If you live in a university town, it’s all the better. Just think how many parents come to visit throughout the year. What an amazing way to turn that room vacated by your university son or daughter into a virtual cash cow?

5. Photographer:

This one’s pretty simple because you can add lenses and other equipment as you go. All you need is a solid camera, processing software, and some marketing skills. Go for something unique instead of the typical choices like wedding or portrait photography. There are a number of more fun, interesting photography niches to get into.

If your local area lacks any of the above businesses, there may be a lot of money waiting to be made. It all comes down to doing your research and applying yourself. It won’t be easy, but it’ll be worth it in the end.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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