Security: Your Office’s New Year’s Resolution

by Business Security Systems Published on: 24 December 2017 Last Updated on: 26 September 2024


While the rest of the world is pledging to lose the holiday weight, this year, don’t shift your focus inwards as you pen your resolutions. As reports of security breaches and identity theft are on the rise, your top priority in the New Year should be your office’s security.

It’s far too easy for a business to develop bad habits that can put both the enterprise and its customers at risk, so take time at the start of 2018 to re-establish security in the office by shredding important documents.

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While there’s no doubt that the majority of your business is done online, there still remains a small percentage of your operations on paper. Because of its size, it’s easy to overlook, but physical documents open businesses to significant risk if they aren’t eliminated properly.

Invoices, memos, and customer files: these printed sheets are shared within the office. When handled incorrectly, these papers can find there way in the garbage. On the surface, this may not seem like a big deal, but dig a little deeper and this habit can be dangerous. Many of these physical documents hold important contact details and financial account numbers that, if found, could be used to impersonate the original owners to open fraudulent accounts. When placed in a garbage bin that’s easily accessible, this information can be found easily by any criminal who’s looking.

The solution is simple. Whether your business calls Toronto home or somewhere else entirely, you need to shred this information. While many businesses will cut corners and assign an unqualified staff member to carry out this task, think twice about turning someone you hired to broker sales into the head of security. Without the right training, they may unknowingly put the company at risk. And that’s not to mention the loss of productivity as they put their real job on hold as they shred.

Leave this important task to those who are trained, like the fully vetted, bonded, and qualified personnel of a mobile document shredding service. Not only will they ensure all your paperwork is shredded with the utmost efficiency, but they’ll also make sure the information these documents hold isproperly secured at every single step. They offer the full package: driving to your business, taking responsibility for your documents’ confidential destruction, and recycling the shredded remains.


When searching for document destruction services for your business, make sure you find one that’s flexible and ready to work with your company based on your schedule. When it comes to documenting shredding Toronto has several premium services available that can provide a benchmark of service no matter where you live. These document shredding Toronto-based companies take security seriously, so make sure your service of choice matches their standard.

Signing up for these services will make your business seem more professional and legitimate to prospective clients. When people seeking the service you provide realize that you take their privacy seriously, they may feel compelled to sign on with you right then and there. Clients will know that their information isn’t crumbled in the dumpster out back. Instead, they can rest assured that anything and everything are safely filed away behind your doors or destroyed by a professional paper shredding service.

Remember that this New Year’s can be a new start for some old business practices. Clean out the filing cabinets and dispose of old paperwork safely and confidentially with the help of a mobile shredding service. Not only will you tick off a resolution successfully from your list, but your customers will thank you as you take pains to keep their info safe.

Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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