6 Tips for Small Businesses to Use Marketing Automation to Its Full Extent

by Business Development Published on: 17 December 2018 Last Updated on: 13 May 2021

Marketing Automation

Multiple financial reports and surveys in the last few years have clearly shown a link between adopting marketing automation software and significantly boosted revenue generation, which has established how important this tool is to both big and small businesses. However, getting success from using a marketing automation tool is also dependent on a multitude of factors such as the nature of your business, which software you choose, and how you use that software. To help small businesses find some of the answers, here are six tips that should come in quite handy.

6 Tips for Small Businesses to Use Marketing Automation

Choose a Software that Has the Tools You Need:

Most modern automation applications come in with a whole range of features, but your selection should depend on whether the particular software has all the features that you specifically need or just a long list that would be of little use to your business and cost way too much. Along with basic features like automated email delivery, small businesses, in general, should be looking at marketing automation solutions that offer an extensive pre-configured and customizable workflow library, new workflow designing and testing facilities, automatic lead grading and targeting features, and advanced contact management options, among others. If you are not quite sure about the exact features that you will need from your investment, it is probably a good idea to just go through all the tools and features that are on offer to find out how much of it can be of use to your marketing goals.

See If You Can’t Get a Free Trial:

SendinBlue has a free trial version for businesses to check all their features out first, before deciding to invest money in the service, which is exactly what you should be looking for. Investing in marketing automation can be expensive initially, so a trial period is ideal to see if the software can provide everything you need it to.

Use It to Take Care of All the Repetitive Tasks:

One of the primary functions of any automation software is to improve the productivity of your employees by eliminating the repetitive tasks from their day of work, therefore, giving them the extra time which they need to be more productive without having to work overtime. For example, marketing automation software can be programmed in such a way that it will send out emails to target customers, as soon as certain parameters are triggered by the lead. Not only is it more productive for the employees to not have to do this manually hundreds of times every day, but the accuracy, speed, and timing of the emails will eventually boost the revenues significantly.

You Will Still Need the Right Content:

Automation software can help with a lot of things, but it still needs good, core marketing material to be successful. Therefore, before you start branding your investment in automation as a bad one, take another look at the marketing material you are using and see if it really is any good. Even if a perfectly timed email is delivered to a potential lead, it won’t convert unless the content meets certain standards such as originality, relatability, relevance, conciseness, understandability, engaging power, message delivery, call to action, etc. Get your content written professionally and then assign the right content to each email that your automated service sends out to potential leads. If you can get this combination right, the revenues should start increasing exponentially.

Adopt Drip Marketing Strategies:

Generic emails to everybody on a contact list do have their place in the marketing game too, but specific emails that cater to the specific interests of the target customer enjoy a much higher rate of conversion. Drip marketing refers to an automated marketing strategy that sends emails, presents ads, and suggests products based on each customer’s individual purchasing habits and online activities on search engines and social media. For example, Amazon often sends customers automated emails, consisting of multiple options based on the customer’s recent searches on the website.

Make Customer Information More Accessible:

Companies often lose out on time, productivity, and sales because of a lack of synergy between the various departments. Even if there is cooperation, the steps necessary to make the updated information available to each concerned department every single time when required is a waste of time that adds up to lost productivity. It is possible to make all relevant customer information available to each department with the help of an automation system that keeps updating new info to the universally accessible customer database every time it is available.

While this is not a definitive list by any means, it should help you find the right software and get started on the right path by avoiding a few common mistakes and taking a few right steps. With experience, you will learn to make your automation campaigns even more successful, but starting as early as possible is recommended.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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