5 Steps To Build A Strong Brand Presence

by Business Development Published on: 19 October 2021 Last Updated on: 17 January 2022

Build A Strong Brand Presence

What can you learn from the top brands like Google, Apple, and Amazon?

Apart from great products and services, these companies focussed on building a solid brand presence. Brand presence isn’t about your logos, marketing, or advertising campaign. It’s more about how your audience perceives and interacts with your brand.

With 59% of consumers prefer buying new products from brands familiar to them, making brand familiarity and building a brand presence are a must for every brand.

The recent explosion of digital media and social media has given many businesses the required wings to enhance consumer perception and brand equity. Regardless of whether you want to build your presence on Instagram or want to enhance the SEO of your key search terms, brands that build a strong brand presence are the ones that stay at the top of the minds of their customers.

When building your brand, try to replicate companies like Zappos, Amazon, and Apple, who built success by breathing and living their brand. Focus on building a brand, not just a business.

This is what will drive your business growth.

In this article, we discuss the steps to build a strong brand presence.

Let’s start!

5 Steps To Build A Strong Brand Presence

Do The Branding And Promotion

Focus on these five steps to build a brand presence like never before.

1. Find Uut How Your Customers Perceive Your Brand

The first thing in branding is to understand how your customers perceive your brand in the marketplace.

How can brands learn about this?

Simple, you talk with your customers. Consider reaching out to your loyal and top customers.

Regardless of whether you’re an entrepreneur running your start-up or a large business, think deeply to understand what you already know about your customer’s perspective.

Talking to your customer is extremely important because customers may not know what they want from your brand, but they know what they don’t want.

Interestingly, after talking to your customers, you can understand what problems they’re suffering from and describe how it affects their decision to buy a product. You can understand whether they remain loyal to your brand.

Why talk to customers? According to research, 42% of businesses fail because there is no market for their products. 

2. Build Your Social Media Following

5. Develop a strategy on social media

Social media is a highly targeted and visual marketing channel for your brand and an excellent opportunity to build your brand around a loyal customer audience.

With over one billion Instagram users, this platform is slowly becoming a hub for businesses looking to witness exponential growth in their brands. However, like any other social media networking platform, you need to know how to build a following on Instagram to help your business grow.

There are some right ways to build your brand, increase engagement and grow a massive following over time. Creating engaging content is the top way to grow and engage your audience on Instagram or other social media platforms. From posting photos, posting videos to using the right hashtags, leave no stone unturned in winning the trust of your audience.

Creating hashtags for your photos and content can make it easy for people to find your content and connect with your brand. Also, try to use the right filters on Instagram to impact your engagement.

Mastering the art of creating a social media following is something marketers need to give importance to. If you need help, you can take assistance from companies like Unum or Later.

Why grow your social media presence? Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have the first and fourth-most users for any mobile app, respectively.

3. Create Email Newsletters That Resonate

After building your profile on a desired social media platform, it’s time to focus on a marketing platform that increases your brand presence while providing exceptional return on investment.

Why use email newsletters in the era of social media?

Ignoring email marketing and newsletter can stagnate your growth because newsletters have the power to make your branding consistent. How?

It has a wide variety of elements like logos, color, images, CTAs, and palettes. Consistency in design increases brand recognition and awareness, which directly impacts your digital presence.

Also, an email newsletter expands your horizon and helps you increase a customer’s understanding of your products and services. It’s great to advertise and promote your products to customers who want to hear from your brand.

Apart from opening new doors to increase product knowledge, email newsletters help build credibility and instill confidence in your target audience.

Study different newsletter examples from top brands to see how they nail their email marketing.

So, if you want to witness a strong brand presence, come out of the nightmare that email marketing is dead. It’s not, and it continues to deliver results better than any marketing tactic.

If you’re struggling to create email designs that resonate with your audience, take help from companies like Flodesk or Mailchimp.

Why use email newsletters? For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you earn an ROI of $42.

4. Improve Your SEO With User-Intent Keywords


SEO may seem intimidating initially, but it’s a sure-shot way to build your brand’s online presence. Companies that focus on SEO strategies are the ones that build a brand that ranks on the first page of Google and remains in customers’ minds for a long-time.

Why focus on user-intent-related keywords?

Behind every Google or search engine search, there is an intention. Your customers look for something in particular to get an answer to their problems or avail information about a product or service.

So, understanding and using user-intent keywords is essential because even Google understands the user’s intent and shows results based on that.

Start by researching keywords in your niche and industry. These are words or phrases a customer uses to search for brands like you. Using tools like SEMrush or Moz Keyword Explorer, you can find the most relevant keyword for your industry.

Next, create content around these keywords and include them in your headlines, body, images, and every place from where Google can pick it up.

However, don’t stuff your keywords in your content; instead, maintain an appropriate balance.

Why focus on SEO? SEO can drive 1000% more traffic than organic social media.

5. Leverage The Power Of Video Marketing

Video marketing

The monumental success of TikTok showed the entire world what videos are capable of achieving. From engagingly communicating information to having a tendency to go viral, videos can help your brand grow manifolds.

Creating original videos is the need of the hour for businesses looking to grow a loyal customer base. Why?

Original videos are memorable, shareable, and above-all attention-grabbing.

Have you ever thought about what made TikTok such a huge platform?

The platform supported only short videos, and with attention span reducing every year, these short videos captured users’ attention like no other marketing tactic.

When it comes to video marketing, short is very sweet!

To grab your audience’s attention and build a strong brand presence, you can focus on creating short explainer videos, pre-roll videos, and even Vlogs.

With YouTube touted as the second largest search engine after Google, having a presence on YouTube is more than a necessity for brands looking to scale their business.

Remember that the first five seconds of your videos decide whether you can capture your audience’s attention or not. So, when creating a video, keep originality in mind because that will yield superior results.

The point here is not merely engaging your audience. It’s more about soliciting a reaction from your viewers. Do your research, and use your imagination to create different yet exciting content for your viewers to watch.

Why focus on video marketing? According to 68% of marketers, videos have a better return on investment than Google Ads.

Wrapping up

Building your brand presence, quite simply, allows you to move your business forward and results in a positive impact on your bottom line.

A stronger brand attracts more business and customers.

Always remember that there’s no magic bullet that you can fire and hope to build a strong brand presence. All we can do is use these tips and take help from the tools and technologies at our disposal.

All these steps require meticulous planning because one step in the wrong direction is enough to jeopardize your previous marketing efforts. Also, brand-building takes time, and you may deploy each of these steps in different stages of your brand-building process.

It’s essential to keep in mind that brand building is an ongoing and continuous effort. Expecting results in a day or a week is like searching for a needle in a haystack–nearly impossible.

While we have given you a list of steps, remember to update them with the changing dynamics of your market and customer preferences. Brands that evolve and adapt to their business environment are the ones who don’t fall into the trap of digital Darwinism.

How are you building a strong brand presence?

Please share your thoughts with us!

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Ariana Smith is a blogger who loves to write about anything that is related to business and marketing, She also has interest in entrepreneurship & Digital marketing world including social media & advertising.

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