The BEST Email Marketing Ideas For Beginners On The Internet

by Marketing Published on: 21 May 2021 Last Updated on: 09 September 2024

Begin With Email Marketing And Boost Your Store Revenue

If you’ve recently decided to create an eCommerce store during the pandemic to increase your sales and keep your business floating, keep reading.

Because we’ll discuss a big power tool that keeps growing despite all odds, you are starting with email marketing ideas that will help you out.

It has even become a more powerful tool for advertisers than ever, gets that are minimal compared to other channels.

You might want to involve an e-commerce email Marketing Agency in the equation at some point, but in the meantime, we’ll discuss some of the first steps you’ll need to take to begin this journey.  

How To Start Email Marketing? The 5-Step Guide!

Email, as an old-school marketing channel that has evolved with the times and still has the power to drive awareness, conversion, and retention, will help you and your company achieve your goals, but before you get started, do your research and take it step by step.  

Here are a few email marketing ideas to get you started as first steps:

1. Start collecting Data 

The first thing to do (in case you don’t have it yet) is to create a signup form and collect data from your website visitors. Remember that all those who land in your store organically or by paid media are already interested in you. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be there.  

So, suppose you offer them something that interests them in exchange for their information, such as name and email (at the very least). In that case, you now have a database of potential customers to send any communication you wish. That’s email marketing ideas 101.  

There are lots of options when it comes to growing an email list. It all depends on your margins, strategy, and the nature of your business.  

2. Create Automated Emails, Also Known As Flows

The next thing to do would be to create the first basic flows that would be triggered automatically depending on the subscriber’s actions. These main flows are Welcome Flow, Added to Cart Flow, Post Purchase Flow, Cart Abandonment Flow, and Browse Abandonment Flow.  

First, these are the leading and most crucial automated series of emails you can set up. That would certainly help you increase your revenue without much effort and time.  

3. Plan Regular Newsletter Campaigns

Just as important as creating the first automated emails would be creating regular newsletter campaigns to keep your audience engaged. It’s pretty much like social media, where you’ll need to come up with a content calendar to plan your content strategy.  

One of the most effective ways to communicate with your target audience is through regular newsletters; this way, you’ll keep your list engaged, hooked, and receptive. Remember to send valuable content aligned with your product/service and customer avatar.  

4. Send Occasional Promo Emails 

Like the previous point, send occasional offer emails to boost your store revenue. These emails should be infrequent. Otherwise, you’ll be spoiling your list, and they’ll always be expecting offers from you to purchase.  

Occasional offer emails might occur on special dates such as Christmas Sales, Easter, Memorial Day, Mother’s Day, 4th of July, Black Friday, and more.  

Also, you can send special offer emails on specific essential dates for the brand, like store anniversary, product launch, back in stock & specific vital days related to your product/niche, i.e., international workout day.) 

5. Measure: Data, Data & More Data!  

Lastly, don’t forget to measure and analyze all your results. This way, you can optimize your email strategy and increase your income.  

There are many ways to analyze insightful data, and one of the most common ways in email marketing is AB testing, which involves subject lines, offers, time of sending, CTAs, and more. 

The BEST Email Marketing Ideas For Beginners On The Internet! 

Here are some of the most interesting email marketing ideas you must add to your next email campaign! Check these out:  

1. Give A Specific Prompt: 

    Email marketing ideas do not have to be instructions; you just give information to the customer. It can start a dialogue between you and your customer.  

    You should mainly cater to those already subscribers to your mailing list. However, there are chances where you may experiment with your campaign and pitch them this:  

    • Find products on your list that have the most miniature reviews despite significant sales. Ask the customers to share their experience of using that product.  
    • Ask customers to share the product’s benefits in exchange for a reward. It could be extra points in the wallet, a coupon, or an exclusive offer.  

    2. Educate People About A Product: 

      It works best for a product that’s just been launched or may be difficult for new users. This second one from email marketing ideas is your go-to!  

      Use the email content space to educate them about how to use that product and give them a look into the different ways they can use it. You can also use graphic representation to tell them how to use that product.

      You can even highlight real customers’ day in life with your SaaS as part of their workflow. SaaS is Software as a Service – a great way to make your service accessible.  

      3. Introduce A Webinar Series: 

        You can use this idea for your business by picking a question your users have been asking or may be confused about. You can even use a social listening tool to check what the customers are discussing and pick a topic from there.  

        Then, you can create a free drip email course with subscribers who engage with your announcement email for future segmentation. 

        4. Organize Reward Program Milestones:

          If you do not have a rewards program, you can use this idea to introduce it to your customers.  

          If you already have such a program, use this opportunity to introduce a tracker with every promotional email. This helps you answer the “What do I get?” question before the user asks.  

          You can also keep them updated on the programs you are funding; it may be fundraising that you’re doing (do it for real, not just to bring traction.) 

          5. Share Project Updates:

            This is a great way to get your customers involved, making them feel included. This can be a newsletter that allows you to involve your customers in the experience.  

            This way, you are ensuring they have confidence in your brand and keep coming back to you. It may be a recognition of the recent achievements or something that your company has recently achieved – “X number of products sold.”  

            These five email marketing ideas will bring outstanding results – from having customers revisit to re-engaging. Nothing’s impossible.

            And It’s A Wrap!

            This was all on the email marketing ideas that can take your business to the next level in this era of instant communication. You do not just get customers to engage. You are also potentially making new connections.  

            Look in your inbox for inspiration or brainstorm to find inspiration for your next email campaign.  

            Which ideas did you like or swear by in your email campaigns? We’re all ears! 

            Additional Reading:

            Author Bio: Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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