How Can Third Party Transaction Help Payments Make More Secured?
by Ankita Tripathy Financial Planning 30 January 2025

You cannot be an entrepreneur if you continue working in silos. Just imagine you are planning to grow your business to newer heights. However, you are unwilling to join hands with companies that can help you. What is the outcome?
Honestly, it will not be the one you imagine it to be. As a businessman or a woman, you have to join hands with other companies to grow. That is the sole thing that can help you and create goodwill in a business landscape.
This article on third-party transactions will help you understand the essence of using third-party help. Therefore, follow along as we will take you on a journey to understand third-party payment and how it can help your business.
Understanding The Term: Third Party
Before we can start discussing what a third-party transaction is, we need to understand the fundamental keyword of the term ‘third-party.’ So, what is it? A third party can be described as an individual or entity involved in a transaction but not a part of the primary transaction.
For example, you are running an online shop selling crocheted flowers. However, you are receiving payments via paypal or equivalent gateways. Or you are in the real estate business and get help from an escrow company collecting data and documents.
Or, you have a finance company and hired third-party recovery agents. These agents are entrusted with the onus of collecting from tough clients. All of these are examples of third-party agents.
What Is A Third-Party Transaction?
So, with the premise clear, we believe that we are ready to understand what third-party transaction stands for. A third-party transactor is someone who facilitates a transaction but is not a part of the transaction directly.
Therefore, it can be safely said that a third-party transactor is a payment mediator between two financial entities. Hence, it is more of an umbrella term. Any payment module facilitating this can be termed as a third-party transaction.
In addition to facilitating payment, a third-party transaction ensures that the payment is done via safe and secured gateways. Therefore, a third-party transaction is a dynamic process with several aspects.
Understanding The Nuances Of Third Party Transaction
One of the foremost things you must remember about third-party transactions or administrative jobs is that they must not be confused with BPO services. A BPO is when you are hiring a company to do a job that you do not want to delve into.
Third-party mainly involves a job role requiring specialized attention or regulatory requirements only they have. For example, you have taken the help of a BPO HR service. Your in-house HR service can easily fulfill this. Still, you chose to get the help of a BPO to get the job done.
Subsequently, you are conducting a business, and you must get the help of PayPal to make secure payments. This is because you do not have your payment transactor. This is one of the most fundamental things you need to know about third-party services.
How Do Third-Party Transactions Work?
A processor governs a third-party transaction portal. Therefore, understanding the processor is crucial if you want to know how these portals work. A third-party processor works like a gateway that connects two business profiles.
A third-party transactor generally works precisely like a messaging application. They open an encrypted gateway. This gateway is then used to pay or receive money. These modules are super safe and keep phishers and scammers at bay.
Third-party transactions come in different shapes and sizes. Therefore, each module functions differently compared to others. While some offer direct and take a second, others might require extra authorization and permissions to function.
All in all, these gateways ensure that payments are done seamlessly and without any hassle.
Pros & Cons Of Third-Party Transactions
Since we are discussing third-party transactions, we need to understand the pros and cons of this payment method. This section is focused on that. In this section, we will look at some of the prominent pros and cons of third-party transactions you need to know.
However, the pros and cons we have listed here are mainly observed by users. Therefore, you must approach this section with an open mind. Here we go!
One of the biggest pros of third-party transactions is the expanded itinerary of payment options. If you take the help of a third-party facilitator, you can easily pick and choose between different methods of payment that suit your business requirements. Therefore, you will never face any problem receiving and making a payment.
You need to remember that these payment modules use data to make payments. In other words, the payment module will access data like the name of the bank, account number, PIN, etc. Each of these pieces of information is sensitive. As a result, one single breach can lead to a catastrophic cascading effect, which can affect your financial stability and balance.
Most third-party transaction applications come with innate fraud detection and prevention modules. This module helps keep the payment gateways safe and secure. Therefore, paying through these gateways ensures safety and security. Subsequently, the integration of AI has furthered these safety modules.
Third-party transactions are convenient and the easiest means of sending and receiving money. However, it can create a habit. In other words, companies can start forming dependency. This can be problematic as one small change in the module can have far-reaching detrimental effects.
Examples Of Third-Party Transactions
As we have pointed out earlier, the third-party transaction is actually an umbrella term. It is comprised of several subsets. Since we are analyzing the term, it is only viable to look at the subsets to understand the umbrella term effectively.
Remember that this is not a ranking list. It is more of an information list to help you understand the process. So, with that note, let us dive right in!
Online Payment
Online payments are the most prominent and popular means of third-party transactions. This form of payment structure helps businesses to connect with each other financially. Online payments are usually made in a few steps. Moreover, they are safe and secure to a great extent. Lastly, these offer multiple-currency support to a great extent.
Mobile Payment
Mobile payments or UPI is another popular transaction method. This method is usually facilitated by our smartphones. Therefore, you just pick up your phone and pay using UPI or QR codes. It is easy, safe, and takes a second.
Credit Card Processing
The third method of third-party transaction is credit card processing. Credit card processing is also known as plastic money. Here, you pay via your credit or debit cards. Therefore, all you need to do is swipe your card, and you are done with it. However, credit card payments have declined over the years due to the inception of mobile payments.
Cryptocurrency Transfer
The crypto transfer is another trusted third-party transaction that has made headlines recently. This is primarily because crypto traders use cryptocurrency to transfer funds from one business to another. However, this ios not as common as other variants. Therefore, it is yet to be developed like all the others on the list.
How To Select The Right Third-Party Transaction Module?
Want to select a third-party transaction module for your business? Well, you need to understand some minor aspects that will enable you to make the right and informed choice:
- Software integrations: Always check the total software integration that the module is following. Any aberration is a big no.
- Hardware integrations: Secondly, check the hardware support list. Only go for the ones that come with robust support itineraries.
- Pricing: Finally, the pricing needs to be good to make it useful or beneficial. Otherwise, you are simply taking up the pointless financial burden on yourself.
The Final Thought: Is Third-Party Transaction For You?
In the end, getting a third-party transaction platform for your business will actually help your cause. This will not just make the payment modules easy but also secure.
As a result, you can rest easy regarding the money side of things. Let us know if you liked this content, and please follow us for more. Thank you and have a great day ahead.