Backbone Of PPC campaign: Web Design And Its Role In The PPC Campaign
by Mashum Mollah Business Development 21 January 2020

Fast rewind 2 hours of your day. What was the last thing that you Google searched? Probably something related to your work or an assignment. Say, for example, you searched, “how to make a cake at home?”. This search query gave you the top 10 results, out of which some are blogs, some with videos, and some with images. Which one did you visit? Probably, the one with engaging and relevant answers.
It has been observed that audiences have limited time for getting engaged over every result on the search engines. Around 66 percent of them preferred to visit a beautifully designed and functional website and not a plain or simple one. Elegant images and clear messages are able to catch thousands of eyeballs.
In this line, imagine, when the world is making a whopping 3.5 billion searches daily, your chances of converting potential customers are just beyond the limits.
Attractive elements of the website allow you to communicate with a wider audience, thereby increasing your chances of sales. In the same thread, if you perform your PPC marketing well combined with the web design, you are bound to get an increased amount of click-through rates. The reason being, PPC facilitates 50% more organic visitors over other marketing strategies.
Most of the PPC agency Toronto overlook the website design thinking that the campaign will land up more customers. However, this myth needs to be cleared. A stunning looking website has to be designed first before directing the users from the PPC campaign towards it.
PPC, which stands for pay-per-click, is an effective way of advertising that drives maximum click.
This advertising technique, no doubt drives clicks but in the end, those clicks land up ultimately on a website’s page. And if you fail to impress your visitor in the first 15 seconds of their landing, you lose the game. An online visitor should enjoy the journey over the website and willingly revisit the website again. PPC campaigns allow you to gain that top spot while delivering faster results simultaneously.
If you are wondering how the journey after they click on your PPC advertisement plays a vital role in conversion, keep reading the blog further.
A brief about how PPC and web design work together is:
- PPC attracts a new audience; however, the website provides them useful and ever-green information;
- Your website has the power to engage more customers and thereby build brand loyalty;
- PPC and web design together allow you to know how audiences have interacted with the listings and the website.
Heads up before moving ahead:
Your website looks matters a lot in PPC, and it does make a huge difference. Let’s dig deep into the factors.
Website responsiveness:
The maximum amount of traffic over the website is generated through smartphone devices. The rest of the traffic may come from tablets, laptops, or Ipads. An optimized website will quickly swift between the screens and adapt to the new changes.
And if you do not optimize your website with this perspective, you are losing out on a really big amount. Even a bad URL structure completely ruins your PPC campaign.
Fast website loading
As mentioned earlier, the focus time of an individual over the website is quite low. In this scenario, even if you create an engaging website, but that doesn’t load rapidly, the audience bounces back from the web page. Hence, make sure that every element is optimized and does not force the visitor to wait or leave the website.
We hope this encourages you to focus more on the page loading speed and improve upon it as and when required. While doing this, you should not forget that page loading speed matters even for your website indexing on the search engines.
Improve aesthetics:
Ever wondered how the layout of the page can influence the conversion? The overall look of the website designed by the web designing company Toronto plays a crucial role in improving the PPC campaign. The first thing that you need to do here is, make sure that the website doesn’t look naive or inappropriate. These factors have a huge impact on the website’s credibility and trustworthiness. Hence, ensure that every part of the website is given equal importance and looks appealing to the users.
The Final Hurdle
We are sure you can not afford to lose a valuable customer when they have landed upon your website. If required, get the opinion and approval from the team over the website’s design. Get ready to boost your site’s conversion rate using the PPC campaign effectively.
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