Is Now The Right Time To Pursue A Work-From-Home Career?
by Arnab Dey Business Published on: 17 June 2022 Last Updated on: 18 June 2022

In 2020, remote work was forced upon employees and employers alike around the globe, with millions of people suddenly setting up their offices on their sofas and kitchen tables.
Some expected the state of work-from-home to be a temporary measure, but it has had a profound effect on people, with many now seeking ways to keep on work-from-home – at least some of the time.
Like millions of other people, if you’ve been brought back into the office or asked to do so four out of the five days of the week, you may be considering a switch.
A whole swathe of jobs have been proven viable from home, and Microsoft showed it in their whitepaper, detailing that 82 percent of companies were at least equally as productive with work-from-home orders in place.
So, is now the right time for you to look for a permanent work-from-home role?
Remote Work Is All The Rage, Unfortunately
As you’d assume, a great amount of data has been taken on the remote work phenomena over the last couple of years. As of 2022, nearly 60 percent of people who can work remotely said that they still do so in the US, with as many reporting that they want to remain in work-from-home roles at least most of the time going forwards, as reported by CNN Business.
For decades, employers have been skeptical as to the productivity of their workers if they’d be allowed to work outside of an office or designated workplace. It turns out that those beliefs were unfounded, with productivity being stable or increasing by as much as 47 percent, per Apollo Technical. However, this doesn’t mean that everyone has changed their mind.
Many who were working remotely may continue to do so, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s ample supply for the increase in demand for remote jobs. Flexibility has been normalized in the eyes of jobseekers, leading to a huge uptick in job applications to full or part-time remote roles.
Postings are increasing, but not at the rate of demand, which could spell a tough job hunt if you wish to pivot into work-from-home.
Related Resource: How You Can Make Effective Remote Work Policies
Do You Have The Ideal Setup?
A big part of being productive at home is having the right setup: many struggles hunched over from their sofas or on small kitchen tables. So, those who seek to pursue a work-from-home lifestyle also look for a new home.
This has been seen with an increase of property owners selling in and around cities to get more rural, idyllic homes as the commute became unnecessary, as did the living in city conditions.
To see if this is financially viable in the still-high-flying housing market, it’s a good idea to get some mortgage advice from a broker like Trussle beforehand, be it to sell your home or for professional help with getting a new one.
The process is quick, as the platform works with prospective lenders for you, and they may be able to find better options than your existing mortgage so that you can save for a place more suited to work-from-home.
While it’s always good to get ahead on such matters, there is something to be said about the current state of the housing market.
Recent data continues to show stark house price increases, but many see that it has come to a cool-down, perhaps even en route to a correction.
Naturally, it’s always speculation, but if house prices look to start to tumble soon, playing the waiting game for a bit may be wise. On the other hand, inflation and increasing rates are already taking a toll.
It’s a tough market to get into an ideal remote working situation, but with a bit of patience and luck, you might just be able to switch into that golden, permanent work-from-home role.
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