Outreach Do’s & Don’ts
by Abdul Aziz Mondal Marketing 13 April 2022

Link building was formerly a solely numerical game not long ago. Now, quality is much more essential than quantity, so achieving high-quality links is the name of the game.
What is an outreach program? This is when blogging comes into play. Websites that blog regularly receive 434 percent more indexed pages, 97 percent more inbound links, and over 50% more traffic than non-blogging websites for outreach.
What To Do And Don’ts When Doing The Outreach Program?
When it comes to link building, what should – and shouldn’t – you do? The majority of SEO professionals like Niche Inbound take these outreach approaches into account…
1. Is The Site Relevant To Your Niche?
If a website isn’t relevant to your market, no amount of traffic will help. Your goal must be to attract interested people, not just any visitors. The first thing you should do is go through some of the site’s material. These are the sorts of questions you should ask as you look through their various topics:
Is this website linking to high-ranking competitors in your market? If so, it’s likely to be a site that is highly regarded for data relevant to your field.
Is it common for other influencers to guest post on their blog? If so, that implies that other influencers see this site as a respected place, which is a positive indicator. Before doing any community outreach jobs, you have to shortlist all the sites which are relevant to your niches.
Is their content getting a lot of comments and shares? Popularity is crucial. Therefore the more interaction their material has, the better!
Do they offer fresh material on a regular basis? The more frequently they post, the more dedicated they are to ranking with new content.
2. Do Community Outreach First
Do you want to go a step further? Community outreach can mean everything, which is very different for individuals. The basic definition of the activity is providing the services to any of the populations who are accessing the services. This is a target-driven outreach program.
One of the most effective ways to assess whether a website is relevant enough is by looking at Topical Trust Flow by Majestic. Basically, this framework provides a score for Trust Flow (TF).
The closer to one the TF is, the more success you are likely to have if they share your link. This may help you organize your huge list of prospects by putting them in terms of potential value.
If you don’t look for relevance or ask any of the above questions, you’re flying blind. Creating links on sites with nothing to do with your own goals can hurt your link-building efforts.
3. Always Check The Backlink Quality
A high-quality, relevant website that has a strong backlink profile will keep its top spot. The accurate way to examine a site’s backlink profile is to use smart tools like Majestic, Ahrefs, and SEMrush.
If you want to put a prospect’s website address into one of these tools, you’ll receive detailed information and then a rundown through their backlinking profile.
What should you look for? These all are the most important criteria to consider when evaluating each prospect:
The first step is to ensure that the majority of their connections originate from sites that appear to be relevant to your topic. You know what community outreach means. But when you are finding the relevant topics, your outreach works are becoming far more accurate. You no longer search for relevance. It is already there.
How much of their profile is made up of spammy links? Some are unavoidable, but you don’t want most of their connections to come from suspicious-seeming sites.
Look at the sites that link to them the most. If these websites provide low-quality or harmful material, or they spam links at a frantic rate, you’re looking at a house of cards on the verge of collapse.
What language is the primary language spoken on the site? Search engines are turned off by a site that has a high ranking for English keywords, but most of its outreach links come from sites in other languages. You want their links to originating from websites written in your own language.
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