The Good News That Is Commission Advance on Listings
by Mashum Mollah Management 16 January 2018

A listing is a contract between a real estate broker and property owner allowing the broker to act on behalf of the owner when the property is put on sale. You can get a commission advance using an active residential listing. As long as the advance company sees evidence that commission is forthcoming, you qualify for an advance.
Isn’t this good news? You do not have to have a sale pending to apply for an advance. You qualify for a Commission Advance on Listings by virtual of having some listings.
Most commission advance companies will grant you an advance on before your business closes. However, there are times you may need funding even before you get any offers on a property. This is considered when you have a listing. There is no need for you to halt your business operations because you have not had any clients making offers.
Getting Started
Search online for the most reliable companies to engage, thenapply for a commission advance on listings. The application is done online. The company should furnish you with information regarding the how much it will cost you and how soon you will get the money.
How much can you get?
Most companies will advance you up to $4000. This money can be used for expenses like:
- Marketing
- Promotion expenses
- Running the office operations
The more the sales, the bigger the advance
Naturally, the more money you hope to bring in, the bigger the advance you qualify for. Agents and brokers who bring in more business are eligible for bigger advances. For instance:
- If you average three to five sales per annum, you may qualify for$2000.
- If your average is up to six to nine, you may get $3000
- Agents who close ten plus sales a year qualify for a maximum of $4000.
It is the natural order after all, that the more you rake in, the more the companies will want to work with you and trust you with bigger advances. A proven and impressive work record always comes in handy.
When your listing attracts an offer, you are eligible for more money.
When the seller you represent accepts an offer and the property goes under contract, you qualify for more commission advance. You are then allowed to convert your advance on listing to advance on a pending sale and your qualification takes a leap to $15000 for every transaction!
Now that is money that could take your business to three levels instead of simply ‘the next level’.
What are the charges?
- You are required to pay a monthly extension fee until your listing attracts an offer and goes under contract.
- The extension fee is approximately $167 per month.
How soon will the funds be available?
This advance is approved in minutes since it is meant primarily for real estate dealers. You can, therefore, withdraw your funds the same day you submit your application and start your marketing and promotions immediately.
You are well advised to go for a Commission advance on listings if you are in need of funds to run your business to avoid running behind on business deal and to front effective marketing strategies in time for more deals to be signed and closed.