Keeping Ransomware Out Of Small Business
by Mashum Mollah Small Business Published on: 30 November 2016 Last Updated on: 11 April 2019

Ransomware is probably one of the most frustrating of all hacks that are out there. Not only does it encrypt all of your data, but it can also spread to any computers on the network. Then it holds your data and network ransom until you fork over money. While big companies are ideal for ransomware, big companies can afford high-end security systems that can protect them from such hacks. This makes small businesses the obvious victims. But never fear! Let’s review some of your options as a small business owner.
I Have Ransomware, What Do I Do?
You have ransomware, are panicking, and aren’t sure what to do. Don’t do anything with the computer equipment. Let it just sit and call to see if you can get remote data recovery done on the equipment. The best part about remote data recovery is that you do not have to wait for someone to come to you and perform the service. It can happen anywhere and could happen within minutes, which is vital in recovering from a ransomware hack. Another fantastic bonus is that once the hack is removed, all your data will be available almost immediately. It’s a real time saver!
We Can’t Say Backup Enough
Back it all up! A daily backup routine, or even a couple of times in a day, is going to be your saving grace. If you get held up in a ransomware hack and have successfully backed up your data, you can easily access it from a clean personal computer or after your infected equipment is cleaned. Another key thing to note, backup to a secure cloud so that you don’t have to worry about an external hard drive being affected. Especially if you hook up your external hard drive to a computer connected to the infected network. Research options on backup services that are cloud-based, there are many to choose from.
Is Your Antivirus A Quality Service?
Often small businesses install an antivirus system and then move on without considering its updates or how secure it really is. Review your options within your budget and make sure you have a high-quality service. Keep up to date on all software updates for the program. If you are getting hit repeatedly, get a new service! It’s not always about spending more money but what the service offers you.
Tighten Up Security and Access
There are quite a few ways to tighten up security and who has what sort of access. Have a policy in place for all employees, whether you employ 1 to 100 people. Research and find out where ransomware is often hidden, then block access to those sites. Consider minimizing what your employees can see when it comes to data. Your cashier should not be able to see payroll information. Just because they are employed by you doesn’t mean they are privy to every bit of information.
Ransomware can be crippling to a small business. Considering how much work a small business owner already puts in every single day, one cannot afford to be hit with such a hack. However, taking some extra measures and getting used to them being in place will save you time and money in the long run. It’s an investment that is well worth your time and effort. Protect what you have worked so hard to build!
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