Solving Complex Business Problems The Right Way
by Arnab Dey Business Development Published on: 11 January 2022 Last Updated on: 27 September 2024

Business challenges are not a possibility but an inevitable reality in today’s uncertain and changing world. Companies faced more complex, wicked, and entangled problems during the Great Acceleration than at any other time in history. Moreover, a diverse range of factors, such as globalization, technological advancements, and political instability, affect markets worldwide and make them thornier complex business problems to solve.
Education, intelligence, and common sense help you solve problems. However, a systematic location data process approach is necessary if you are attempting to solve complex problems. For example, reorganizing a business or diagnosing in a large-scale, apparently insoluble challenge. A solo sport cannot handle complex situations.
How To Solve Complex Problems?
You must see a problem holistically—in its breadth, depth, and context. Consider:
Recognition. Is the problem visible or tangible to you? Do you understand its scope or context?
Symptoms. When does it show up?
Causes. Why did it happen?
Effects. What else does it affect?
After that, break up the main complex business problems into more minor issues so that you can determine whether you are the right team (or person) to resolve them. If not, you should alert those better equipped to handle it as soon as possible: if you delay, you could make their task that much more difficult.
Assuming you are the right person for the job, ask yourself: Do you have the right resources? If so, how long will it take? What obstacles might you face? How will it benefit you? After getting answers, move on.
1. Effectively Gather Data
It’s important to ask what you need to know, as well as how you’re going to learn it.
Here are some ways to gather complex business problems related data: analyze the workflow, other existing data sources, such as surveys and questionnaires, flow charts, group, and one-on-one interviews.
2. Brainstorm
Consider brainstorming the issue with your team or trusted colleagues depending on the problem at hand. When dealing with complex business problems you haven’t dealt with before, this route is advantageous. Remember the five golden rules to get the best from brainstorming.
Early on in the exploration process, do not evaluate or judge others, utilize other people’s ideas, think in a quality and diverse manner, promote wacky ideas, and encourage the participation of others.
3. Examine Possible Solutions And Options
Understanding the perspectives of complex business problems and their implications can be improved by thinking beyond the obvious.
Don’t refuse what may seem a crazy idea if other people have done it before. Consider a wide range of solutions so that various ideas and options are available.
4. Prioritize And Make Decisions
Choose the best solution and consider your complex business problems options carefully by calculating the results. Identify the costs and benefits. Calculate the payback period if, for example, you feel that outside investment is necessary to solve a specific problem.
It will let you know whether your management team is willing to invest. Understand that every option has a consequence, which may cause additional issues.
5. Choose The Best Solutions For The Situation And Context
Some key criteria need to be met by the complex business problems solution chosen. How many people, how much money, and how much time do you have? Is the return sufficient? Will others be happy with the solution? Write up:
-A rationale for why you reached the conclusion you did
-Criteria used to evaluate a solution’s success
-Contingency plans and plans of action
-Scheduling the implementation
-To conduct, approve, and be responsible for the solution
6. Make The Solution Happen By Implementing It
Having complex business problems with suitable deadlines and contingencies built into it is called implementation. Any implementation must be continually reviewed, and the team should support the relevant management.
7. Solution Evaluation
Two important questions are asked here:
- What were the results?
- From the process, what did you learn?
Assess the effectiveness of the process and its outcome. Incorporate improvement areas into a second phase for reaching the solutions for complex business problems.
These are the simple strategies to reach out to the solutions for complex business problems. Follow our strategies and sort out your complex issues with your own. And do not forget to share your problem-solving experiences in the comment sections.
Additional Reading: