Answer This Interview Question- Why Do You Want To Work Here?
by Shahnawaz Alam Job & Career Published on: 29 September 2023 Last Updated on: 08 November 2024

A potential employer always looks for the best candidate for the open position they have in their organization. You can make the interview go in your favor by anticipating different questions your interviewer might ask you. One of those questions is – why do you want to work here?
This question is pretty common in interviews.
They want to know the candidate’s true intention behind getting employed at the organization. But, as a confident and capable candidate, you must have an answer prepared.
This article will help you phrase your answer and come out as a suitable candidate for a job role. Keep reading to find out the answer to your query.
Why Do Interviewers Ask This Question?
Interviewers usually ask you this question to know whether you are a good fit for the role or not. This is a common trick question that can have an elaborate answer.
But you can provide them with a clean and clear answer if you know about the company or the organization itself. Also, the interviewer might not ask the same question as mentioned here. They can improvise it and ask things like –
- “Why do you want to work for us?”
- “Why are you interested in our open role, specifically?”
- “What made you want to apply for a job with this company?”
But you can prepare an answer to this question. Here are some answers –
Why Do You Want To Work Here?
When going in for an interview, you must prepare yourself well and have the answers ready. Why do you want to work here? This is one of the most common questions the interviewers ask their candidates.
Being at a loss for words at such a question does not make you look like a very suitable candidate. So, here are a few ways to answer this common question that often pops up during an interview session.
The hiring managers and the recruiting managers ask you this question to learn about your interest in the company. If you are an interested candidate, then you might have researched the company and gone through its history, achievements, and work culture.
It is not difficult to answer this question. You can easily come up with an answer by following the steps below –
1. Research The Company
Review their websites:
The best way to learn about a company is by going through its official website. The official website of every company details its objectives, identity, and mission. You can reach the “About Us” section of the website and learn about the company.
Review their social media pages:
Nowadays, most companies are also on social media. You can head over to their LinkedIn or Instagram pages and learn about the different campaigns they have live. Also, the career section on the website will inform you of the prospective clients the employers are looking for.
Learn about their products:
Why do you want to work here? When answering this question, you must know about the products or services the organization is working on. When you know about their products and their service, you know about the accomplishments the company has made in their industry.
Read their blogs:
Reading their blogs and learning about their content marketing campaign can also help you know about their notable accomplishments.
2. Study The Job Description
Answering the interviewer’s questions about why you want to work at a particular organization is difficult. But it does not have to. You already have the answer with you. When applying for a specific job role, you must have read the company job description. The job description records the responsibilities associated with a specific job role.
Once you have read the JD, you will know the responsibilities regarding the job. This will help you devise an answer around the responsibilities or the work that excites you.
You can use it to align your career goals with the company objectives and provide the employer with an answer to the question, ‘Why do you want to work here?’
3. What Are Your Core Values?
An employer not only looks for a candidate that can fit in their organization. They are also looking for someone who understands, respect and abide by the company values and the rules. But what are your core values? First, you need to identify them and be ready with them. When a question is asked, you can give the answer right to your interviewer.
Ask yourself these questions –
- What kind of culture do you want to work for?
- What qualities do you think are elemental for a strong, healthy, and beautiful relationship?
- What motivates you?
- Which qualities make you admire your role models?
- What qualities do your future goals require?
- What qualities do you want to develop as a professional?
If you have a clear understanding of your core values, you will be able to reply to questions like Why do you want to work here?
Things You Must Avoid Saying In An Interview
When you enter an interview room, you will have so many questions coming at you. But more than the answer you give to your interviewer, it is important to remember what not to say. Once you understand the core values of yourself and the company, you will be able to tackle many questions.
Besides, your research of the company should also provide you with substantial information about the company. But, there are a few things you should not say during an interview. Here are some replies you must avoid giving to the interviewer –
Things to avoid saying include –
- I’ve been trying many new jobs and seeing what becomes of my effort.
- The salary and the perks the company provides make me curious about this company.
- This job seems like an ideal stepping stone to the “One day job.”
Bottom Line
There is no certain point as to when your interviewer might ask this question. But stay prepared because it will come your way at some point. With your elaboration of the answer, your interviewee will be able to understand your levels of interest in working with them.
No matter when you are asked, you must keep your answer ready. You can use the different tips provided in this article to phrase your answer. Hopefully, this article was helpful. However, if there are any queries, please let us know through the comment section below.
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