Only Vape Liquid Buying Guide You Need To Read Today
by Mashum Mollah How to Guides 30 May 2020

Vaping has quickly become famous around the world as a smoking alternative. A large number of people are switching from cigarettes to e-cigarettes or vapes. The reason behind the change is because vaping is safer than your everyday tobacco filled cigarettes.
However, it is a little bit more complicated than cigarettes. Vapes have a battery, atomizer, coils, and, most importantly, the vape liquid. The vaping liquid is the soul of your vape device. It can single-handedly decide how your complete vaping experience is going to be. For beginners, it can be quite confusing as there are many options available in the market with varied flavors, strengths, prices, etc. To help you reduce this confusion, here is the only vape liquid buying guide you need.
It is all about flavor
Yes, when it comes to vaping, the flavor is the most important thing. There are various other aspects like nicotine, PG or VG, and vapor yield; but none of these factors will matter if the flavor is not good. Luckily vape liquids come in many flavors like fruit, food, cocktails, and tobacco blends.
As a beginner, it is recommended to choose a safe flavor, something you know you will like. Most people start with their favorite tobacco brand flavor. Once you get used to vaping and the experience you can and should experiment with different flavors also try mixing.
Nicotine strength
The next step on the guide is to look for the correct nicotine strength. Finding the right nicotine strength is pretty important. People often make mistakes while selecting the strength. A low nicotine strength will make you want to smoke more to compensate. On the other hand, high strength may cause bad headaches.
So, you need to assess and select which strength is right for you from the following:
- Low (6mg and below): Light smokers, people who consume half a pack or less in a day
- Medium (9mg to 16mg): Average smokers, people who finish around a pack a day
- High (18mg to 36mg): Especially for chain smokers
What are PG and VG?
Propylene Glycol (PG) and Vegetable Glycol (VG) are the base solutions present in vaping liquids. These are manufactured with liquid blends in the form of all-PG, all-VG, and a mixed ratio. The reason behind this is both the solutions have different properties. PG is used to give out a better flavor but does not have a good smoke yield. VG, on the other hand, mutes the taste while giving a large vapor production.
The most common blend used by people is the PG to VG ratio of 40:60. So as a beginner, you should start with this ratio.
Test all the options
With vaping, people have a lot of options available to them, especially with liquids. Hence, just selecting the first flavor, brand, or blend you ever tired is not a wise choice. Always test out all your options, seek everything available in the market, and test them all.
Different brands on the market have different tastes for the same flavor, same nicotine strength. Most vape stores offer testers for you to try, and online stores sell tester packs. While testing, you may discover what is perfect for you.
Creating the perfect blend
One thing you should always remember while starting to vape is the liquid is your preference. Different people have different tastes, they may not like your blend, and you may not like theirs. For enjoying vaping to its fullest, you need to understand what you want and what you do not.
Do not hesitate to experiment and try new flavors and brands. It is your experience, and you need to discover and develop it on your own.
Vapers tongue
Beginners should not be worried about getting vapers tongue, but it is good to know about it. Vapers tongue is a condition that occurs when you cannot taste the liquid due to using one liquid too much.
When you overuse one flavor, it makes your taste buds dulled, making you unable to taste. However, it is not a severe condition; all you need to do is scrub your tongue, drink strong coffee, switch to a different flavor ideally menthol, and fix your tongue.
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