Even a Student Can Work With These Popular Types of Advertising
by Abdul Aziz Mondal Advertising Published on: 28 September 2021 Last Updated on: 30 December 2024
When students look for a job, they consider different options. And one of them is advertising, a profitable niche that is gaining in popularity nowadays. So we’ve prepared a list of its popular types where you can work as a student. So let’s start!
Magazines and Newspapers
It’s a traditional type of advertising. Although all media moved online, people still read magazines and newspapers. So you can try yourself in this field. Ads are placed throughout the newspapers. So if you promote local business, local newspapers and magazines will act as a good place for ads.
The same situation is with magazines. When it’s a specialized journal, for example, oriented to scientists, pet lovers, travelers, or English learners, you can place an appropriate ad for the target audience.
To create such ads, you have to know how to use editors such as Canva or Photoshop. Your task is to create an attractive image and a short text that will tell the most important information about your product.
Product Placement
This type of advertising is also called influencer marketing. The deal is that you contact a famous and authoritative person, i. e. influencer, and ask them to tell followers about your product, reveal its main features, and recommend it to use.
Find people who want to promote the offer is a difficult task, as many influencers have their own requirements and restrictions. For example, some of them don’t advertise pharmaceutical products and things related to astrology and esoterics. Some of them won’t promote the offer if it isn’t well-known. Some influencers don’t promote any offers even if they’re brilliant as they didn’t use them and didn’t check their quality.
So such a type of ad requires developed communication skills because you have to persuade an influencer that your product is worth talking about.
The way of how the offer will be promoted can be different. For instance, bloggers can write a post about it, or create stories. Or it can be another option. Influencers will talk about the product in the podcast.
Social Media Ads
Social media enables you to create ads and show them to your audience by using settings in the ads cabinet. To master this type of advertising, you have to be familiar with Photoshop, Adobe Pro, or other editors that will help you create images and videos.
Keep in mind that you have a budget for this deal because you have to pay for ads on social media. The payment model can be different, for example:
- CPM — cost per mile;
- CPC — cost per click.
You’ve learned about only two payment models; in fact, there are much more of them.
You’ll get money for the target action. It can be registered on the website, product purchase, subscription for the newsletter, and the list goes on.
Video Ads
Video marketing is becoming popular now as many people prefer to watch videos instead of reading articles. Therefore, if you like recording short videos or are a fan of TikTok, video advertising is the best bet for you.
When promoting products via videos, your task is to come up with an interesting story where users will know themselves; then, it’s time to talk about your product that will help them solve their problem.
Is It Possible to Promote All Products via Videos?
Yes! It’s possible. You can promote any offer using TikTok or another platform. And there are many examples of it. For instance, in summer 2021, users tried to create their own ads for Skittles, Snickers, and Old Spice. And as practice showed, if you want, you can come up with amazing ideas for this ad format.
It means that you can record a video even for something that you can’t see. For example, for writing services, e. g. do essay for me, freelance platforms, e. g. Upwork, helpers with writing, e. g. Grammarly. All you need is to be creative.
Email Marketing
Advertising through Email Marketing requires knowledge in marketing, psychology, and, obviously, in writing. Your task is to analyze your target audience, your product and create a newsletter for people. In major cases, companies require you to segment your audience. For instance, you work in the news media. Different people can read it:
- students;
- people in advanced age;
- sportsmen;
- professors, etc.
So each category of people prefers to read a certain type of news. So by learning their interests, you can create letters and digests that are appealing to them. The ability to please all segments of your audience and find an approach for each one is the main sign of a high-quality marketer.
The Bottom Line
So now you know popular types of advertising. Although they’re simple enough for students, they require effort to get ahead and stand out from rivals as there are a lot of people who want to earn money. Competition is especially high among newcomers, so be ready to work hard.
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