How Outsourcing And Automation Could Transform The Fortunes Of Your Firm?
by Abdul Aziz Mondal Business Published on: 15 January 2022 Last Updated on: 09 November 2024

The Holy Grail of most modern firms is to operate at the greatest levels of efficiency with outsourcing and automation. Thereby; increasing profitability while maintaining product/service integrity and great levels of customer service.
Indeed, in today’s cut-throat, digital environment, it’s becoming more important than ever for firms to take a proactive approach to streamline their operations to keep pace with rivals in an increasingly global marketplace.
We Are Experiencing The Rise Of The Machine Era
In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come along leaps and bounds, and today’s software and apps are more sophisticated and capable than ever. AI (and its sister tech, Machine Learning (ML)), are transforming both our work and social lives in ways never before imaginable.
Indeed, these technologies have become so prevalent in recent years that many industry experts suggest we’re currently in the throes of fourth outsourcing and Cloud RPA (Robotic Process Automation).
industrial revolution (also sometimes referred to as Industry 4.0).
Industry 4.0 represents a time when man and machine will coexist and work together for the betterment of all. While that notion might seem like the stuff of science fiction, in truth, that age is already underway.
Without knowing it, you likely already use AI every day for both work and play
While you might not realize it, it’s almost impossible that you don’t already make use of AI to at least some level every day in both your work and social life. The tech is already widely used in a vast range of applications.
- Popular streaming outsourcing and automation services like Spotify and Netflix all use AI to study your previous habits and preferences to make suggestions of content you might like.
- If you use Facebook (or pretty much any other social platform for that matter), the posts you see will have been selected by AI.
- As above, the likes of Amazon (and all other bigger retailers) store and study your buying habits to suggest products you might like
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) relies heavily on AI
- Accounting and payroll systems are increasingly moving to the AI model to cut human workload
In truth, the list goes on, and AI surrounds us everywhere we go these days. Rather than being the stuff of tomorrow’s fiction, this part of Industry 4.0 is very much today’s fact.
How AI Could Benefit Your Firm
AI is particularly adept at performing time-consuming, repetitive tasks – just the sort of duties that are frequently such a drain on a company’s time and resources. By integrating outsourcing and automation into your company’s operations, you’ll be able to drastically cut your overheads while also increasing efficiency and allowing your staff to get on with tasks that make you money.
Suppose you stop and take an overhead view of your firm. In that case, you’ll likely find large areas of your current work processes that could be performed better, quicker, and more effectively by machines – in turn, allowing you to concentrate your resources on more profitable areas.
Outsourcing – another of today’s trends your company should embrace
Over the last decade or so, the trend for firms with outsourcing and automation
services from third parties has increased exponentially. If you look at pretty much any company, you’ll typically find certain core services are almost always busy and in demand while other, more peripheral services are frequently less busy.
These areas that suffer more downtime are exactly the ones you should look to outsourcing to reduce your ongoing overhead and increase profitability.
The truth is, employing staff full-time can be a real headache both financially and legally – particularly for Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) that make up the lion’s share of firms worldwide. Typical areas you could look at outsourcing include;
1. Telephone answering services:
By using a live answering service, you’ll allow your staff to concentrate on their jobs rather than being distracted and bogged down with client queries or support calls.
2. Marketing and PR:
Unless you’re a large company with an equally large customer base, employing a marketing department is probably a needless overhead.
While marketing and promoting your company is essential in today’s fast-moving business landscape, it’s frequently hard to justify employing a dedicated manager – or even a team. Instead, think about using freelancers or a third-party professional outsourcing and automation firm.
3. IT services:
Purchasing, running, and maintaining IT equipment can be a financial black hole for firms – yet being online is essential for every modern company. Instead of trying to host your IT network and services internally, you should think about partnering with professional outsourcing and automation cloud service provider that will look after everything for you – and at a fraction of the cost.
The benefits that cloud computing could offer your company will slash your overheads while also massively increasing your efficiency.
During the pandemic, we all are experiencing many technical advancements. Outsourcing and automation are just a small part of these substantial technological advancements. So if you like to grow and stay in the competition, this new concept is the most effective one. It will increase your productivity but without compromising the quality of the work.
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