How To Boost Your Blog By 100%
by Abdul Aziz Mondal Our Blogs Published on: 05 April 2018 Last Updated on: 21 October 2024

You have a blog that you’re excited to see become popular and truly take off. Everyone wants their blog to be hugely successful, but not everyone knows how to achieve this. You will need some tips and tricks alongside solid advice to give your blog the boost it needs. If you’re starting out, then make sure you’re putting your best foot forward early in the game and take the advice you receive straight away. If you’ve had your blog for some time, but you’ve yet to see it take off, then now is your chance to begin shaping it into the pillar of influence you always dreamed it would be. Boost your blog and boost your popularity, as well as your bank balance with any luck, with these four tips below!
Give Free Merchandise :
Offer free merchandise to win in competitions which you host on your blog. Explain what you’re planning to give away and gauge audience response. If there’s little interest in what you originally planned to offer, then ask what your followers might enjoy. Think about running a survey and appealing to others outside of your follower group. People love free items so consider creating merchandise for your giveaway, then sit back and watch your blog become more popular! Make sure new followers know that you plan to give more away in the future. When you come to send the products, don’t miss out on branding them with an attractive logo and custom stickers.
Regular Content :
You need to be posting on your blog at least twice a week. You need an active internet presence if you’re going to drive traffic and gain followers and fans. The more often you post, the more individuals will be exposed to your material, and the more likely to are to see a rise in how many people want to interact with your content. By posting regularly, you’ll also begin to understand what’s popular and what’s not. You’ll gain experience and get quicker and more adept at creating relatable content that appeals to the masses.
Ask For Plugs And Mentions :
This might sound shameless, but it’s worth a go. Begin to ask popular influencers whether they can mention you and your content on their blog and drive their fans to your blog. It can be hugely helpful, especially if the influencer has a large body of fans and posts similar content to yourself. Ask for mentions and plugs in exchange for free goods and merchandise if you have any. Give it a go and ask those ranking higher than you for a shout out. The worst they could say is “no.”
Add Video Content :
Add video content to your blog and avoid long reams of text. Video is attractive, and it saves time, your followers understand that it’s far easier to click “play” on a video link than it is to read through text. Give your blog users a choice and create both text and video. Keep the videos short and sweet, if you will. Make sure the text you’re using is divided into separate pieces to make reading easier and flow more smoothly. Find out more about the services for adding SEO copywriting to your blog if you need a helping hand boosting your blog.
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