Engaging Maths Symbols & their Meaning

by Job & Career Published on: 21 September 2016 Last Updated on: 23 March 2019

Maths Symbols

Many people find it difficult to grasp the exact meaning of notation to solve a mathematical equation. Byju’s brings you the list of mathematical symbols along with their meaning for your reference.

Did you know that ciphers were the first math symbols to be used and introduced before the written language came into existence?

Math is known to be important for understanding the science behind natural phenomena. It is also considered to be the most complicated subject for many students all over the world. Also, a variety of symbols are applied in equations that add a cherry on the complex cake. Therefore, it is necessary for you to have a reference list of the conventions so that you don’t make any mistake.

Byju’s puts forth a consolidated list of all the symbols that are used in different branches of mathematics. Hence, next time when you try to solve any Math problem, you will know what a particular notation means.

Basic Symbols:

Symbol Notation Description
+ Plus Addition of numbers
Minus Subtraction of numbers
X Multiplication Multiplication of numbers
[latex]\div[/latex] Division Division of numbers
= Equals Two sides are equal
[latex]\neq[/latex] Not equal to Two sides are not equal
< Less than value is greater than the other
> Greater than a value is smaller than the other
[latex]\leqslant[/latex] Less than or equal to Value is less than or equal to the other
[latex]\geq[/latex] Greater than or equal to Value is greater than or equal to the other
[ ] Brackets Calculation of the equation inside the equation
( ) Parenthesis Simplification of the equation inside the equation
[latex]\sqrt{a}[/latex] Square root The value that can be multiplied by itself to get the original number
[latex]\pm[/latex] Plus-minus Value can be both plus and minus
mod modulo Finding the remainder of the division of two numbers
% Percent A ratio expressed as a fraction of 100


Geometric Symbols:


Symbol Notation Description
[latex]\angle[/latex] Angle The figure formed by two rays
[latex]\measuredangle[/latex] Measured Angle An angle whose value is known
o Degree Measurement of plane angle describing one complete rotation
[latex]\sim[/latex] Similarity Objects with similar shapes but not the size
|| Parallel Lines equidistant from each other
[latex]\cong[/latex] Congruent Objects with same geometric shape and size
[latex]\perp[/latex] Perpendicular Lines which are the right angle to each other
[latex]\widehat{AB}[/latex] Arc Part of the circumference of a curve or circle
[latex]\Delta[/latex] Triangle Three vertices with and three line segments


The probability of Statistics Symbols:


Symbol Notation Description
P(A) Probability Function The occurrence of event A
f(x) Probability density function Integral of a function of a continuous random variable
P(A [latex]\cap[/latex]B) Intersection The probability of occurrence of events A and B
P(A U B) Union The probability of occurrence of events A or B
P(A | B) Conditional Probability function The probability of occurrence of event A when B has occurred
F(x) Cumulative distribution function A random variable X takes a value less than or equal to x


This is a small part of the vast ocean of mathematical symbols. Explore more math symbols with their uses and meaning at Byju’s. Check out solved examples, detailed explanation of simple & complex topics and conversion calculators such as inches to centimeters & cm to inch converter.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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