5 Questions You should Ask Yourself when Developing A Mobile App
by Mashum Mollah Technology Published on: 26 December 2018 Last Updated on: 07 November 2024

Did you know that more than 50% of people surfing the Internet through their mobile devices? This is where your customers are and therefore where you should have an innovative and professional strategy, such as a mobile application.
If you have had the idea to develop a project like these for your company or business, these 5 questions you have to ask yourself when developing a mobile app will help you to have a better vision of this and all you have to think and do before giving any commitment.
1. What is the purpose of your app, promote your brand, or generate profits?
It is important that you have very well defined the purpose of your application since it will determine for which target group will be directed, the design & usability, thematic and in general different relevant aspects for the development of it.
If your goal is to promote your brand through this tool, think of an idea about your company that you consider makes you unique and can be attractive to users.
On the other hand, if your goal is to sell your products and generate profits, you should think very carefully about what you are going to sell, who you are going to make it and, above all, what your profit goal will be.
2. Which platform do you want to use? iOS, Android, or both?
This aspect may seem unimportant but believe me, it will be the key to achieving the objectives you have with the project. Depending on the purpose of your app, the platform may vary. It is advisable to start developing on a platform first and get results, and then do both. If in your case what you want is to generate profits iOS is usually the best option, since through Android it is more difficult to obtain profits from downloads. But that does not mean you cannot do it for Android. If your target group uses one platform more than another, you will want to develop it in the one your clients use.
3. What kind of application do you want to create?
The best way to know if your application is going to be successful in the market is to know the demand for it before starting to develop it. To know what kind of app to create visit stores like App Store and Play store. See the best paid and free applications of the categories that interest you. This will give you an idea of the type you can cover. The games are the most popular in the market and probably starting with these will be the best option but it all depends on what you want to achieve.
4. Are you going to hire professionals or do it yourself?
This aspect is very important, the decision will depend totally on what you want to achieve with your project. Venturing to do it yourself can be a risk and while it may represent less expense at the beginning this does not guarantee that it is optimal and efficient. On the other hand, it would be better to investigate in the market and contact a mobile app development company Code Inspiration that can advise on your idea and plan with you a specific strategy so that you can have an efficient and quality development.
5. How are you going to promote your application?
Developing a project like this is not an easy task, and you should think about every detail. Especially in how you are going to promote the project and through what tools you are going to do it. Since it is a digital strategy it would be ideal to use another digital tool to do it like PPC campaign, through social networks, a blog, or any other strategy on the web.
Remember set your vision clear for the app project depending upon the present or near-future market trends and once it is set don’t deviate from it. Time waits for none. To build the app in time. If late then maybe your new app turns happening to not happening.