10 Parenting Commandments Every New Mum Should Know
by Arnab Dey How to Guides 18 April 2022

There is an old saying, “No one knows what a new mother goes through until she becomes one herself.” Being a new parent can indeed be a tough transition, and it takes some time to find your way through uncharted waters.
In the first few years, you are bound to make mistakes and second-guess your every decision, but these mistakes are normal — and a part of the parenting process.
To help you out, we have compiled some parenting commandments that can help you navigate the world of parenting as a new mum. Before that though, be sure to take out life insurance for mums to secure the future of your little one and protect it from life surprises should the inevitable strike.
Checkout 10 Parenting Commandments Every New Mum Should Know:
1. Be Patient
This is easily the most important parenting commandment. Yes, you will be tired. Yes, you will be frustrated. But feeling this way does not allow you to be harsh with your child or yourself.
All mums want to do things right, but being frustrated and exhausted lowers your patience. So slow down before reacting or jumping into action with your child.
2. Be Kind to Yourself
Raising children can be tough work. When you become a first-time mum, it’s important to understand how your life will change. You’ll likely have less free time for yourself and your schedule will revolve around your little one’s needs.
As a result, some mums may feel frustrated or even resentful towards their newborns because they suddenly don’t get any “me time.”
3. Create Traditions
When you create traditions, they will last a lifetime and become the memories your child looks back on with joy. Bedtime stories, holiday gatherings, or even something as simple as saying goodnight with a hug, kiss, and “I love you” before bedtime will become family traditions that your children will cherish for years to come.
4. Know Your Baby
Your baby has a way of communicating with you through crying or cooing. Figure out what she wants so that you can better respond to her needs as they arise and not just react at the moment.
This will also help you bond with your baby by knowing her temperament and personality in those first few months of life and beyond!
5. Don’t Try To Be Perfect
We won’t lie; the first year of motherhood is intense. There are new things to learn, from breastfeeding to nappy changing, and a lot of it is done on the hoof.
When you get home from the hospital with a tiny baby, you don’t know what you’re doing, and you probably won’t for quite some time. You’ll make mistakes; that’s okay.
6. It’s Not About You
It can take a while to get used to the idea that your life is no longer your own, but this is something that every parent must accept, eventually.
Your child becomes your priority: they need you before they can do anything for themselves, and they will continue to need you in one way or another for their entire lives.
7. Chill Out About Toddler Meals
With toddlers, it’s easy to slip into a pattern of ‘what will they eat, what won’t they eat, and spend your time worrying about whether your child is getting the right food. There’s no need for concern as long as you’re offering a wide range of foods and sticking to established mealtimes.
Don’t worry about your toddler having a minimal diet – it’s normal for toddlers to reject foods or even entire food groups for short periods.
8. Don’t Let a Child’s Tantrum Ruin Your Day
Just say no to the kids’ demands, even if you don’t feel like it. You want to be the one who decides when it’s time to go home from the park when to pick them up from school, and how to get there safely.
Having too much free time can be an excellent motivator for your kids’ good behavior, so don’t deprive them of it by giving in to every demand or rule change they make.
9. Don’t Buy Everything in Sight
That seems like a no-brainer, but many new mums go overboard in the first few months because they think they need all this stuff right away.
Don’t walk into stores and buy unnecessary items with lots of packaging. Even if they’re necessities, they’ll add clutter to your home throughout the next few years.
10. Buy Quality Rather Than Quantity
Much of the time, baby products don’t cost a lot of money. However, there’s also nothing worse than finding out at 3 a.m., after a night of feeding and rocking, that your breast pump isn’t working, and now you have to wake up before sunrise to get it fixed.
We are so excited to share and co-create your new life! Cut yourself some slack. Don’t be disappointed with yourself if you don’t swing into super mum right away.
As a parent, you will never stop learning. Now would be a great time to start reading up on parenting commandments that might work best for your kids because there’s no one-size-fits-all with motherhood.
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