Commercial Office Renovation: 10+ Things You Need to Know Today!

by Business Development Published on: 11 May 2018 Last Updated on: 27 September 2024

Office Renovation

The state of the facilities in the office, along with the workplace culture, accounts for 48% of the attractiveness of a job for all employees.

These findings provide you with questions to ponder, especially if you’re considering trying commercial office renovation.  

The realization that office renovation is necessary to retain valuable talent prompts another question. How do you go about renovating an office?  

A well-renovated office space has the potential to boost productivity and enhance morale. 

10 Things to Know about Commercial Office Renovation 

Here are ten things you need to know before you begin office remodeling.  

1. The Views of the Employees Matter

It’s important to gather your employees’ views regarding what they would like to have in the office–employees should be kept happy. Ask questions regarding what they believe would make their work easier and more efficient.  

They can also contribute to what they believe would make a good impression on clients when they visit the office space.  

The responses you get will go a long way in ensuring the business renovation helps to boost productivity and job satisfaction. It is almost impossible to meet all your employees’ needs but accommodating them is a step in the right direction.  

2. The Needs of the Future Will Influence How You Approach Commercial Office Renovation

An effort to remodel office space is often driven by a need to move into bigger facilities or by a need to finally establish office premises (In the case of new business).  

Commercial office renovation, therefore, is always influenced by the future needs of the business.  

This fact highlights the importance of imagining your business performing at its peak. Once you have an idea of your business needs, you can begin renovating with those needs in mind. Several factors you should consider include;  

  • How much office space will be enough to accommodate an increased number of employees?  
  • Do you have enough storage facilities, or will improvements have to be made?  
  • What business trends should you integrate into your innovation to meet industry standards?  
  • What kind of decor choices would align with your brand strategy going forward?  
  • Would you have to make certain accommodations in terms of transport for your employees? Would the commercial office renovation affect them? How can you help them commute?  

3. An Eco-Friendly Renovation is a Way to Go

Workplaces that go green have been found to boost the morale of their employees. Commercial office renovation allows you to join the current in helping to reduce the carbon footprint on the planet.  

A benefit of going green will be creating a healthier work environment. It also follows that clients and investors will have a good impression of your business because a conscience underpins your business operations.  

You can begin embracing eco-friendly solutions by:  

  • Making the most of natural lighting. Given that artificial lighting is necessary, you should limit yourself to LED or CFL. Incandescent lighting exhausts more energy than necessary and should be avoided.  
  • Adopting an office layout that accommodates maximum airflow. A constant flow of cool air from the outside will significantly reduce utility bills.  
  • Limiting the use of paper only to situations where it’s extremely necessary.  

4. Create a Space That Will Adapt to Your Needs 

We’ve already established that letting predictable future needs influence your decisions while remodeling offices is prudent. You are, however, in a much better place if your renovations also factor in the unexpected.  

Business renovation strategies should enable the office to adapt to various challenges. One way to do this is by having flexible spaces that can be used for multiple tasks.  

You can create more of such spaces by embracing the following ideas in your design plan.  

  • Adjustable desks can be used when standing or sitting.  
  • Abandon cubicles and spaces in favor of adaptable open spaces.
  • Set apart private areas where an employee can work alone, and a high degree of concentration is required.  

5. Give Special Attention to Bathroom Remodeling

The state of your bathroom directly impacts the comfort and productivity of your employees at the workplace due to the vital roles it plays. Moreover, the state of your bathroom also affects your business image when visiting clients.  

Therefore, your commercial office renovation designs should involve an exhaustive plan for remodelling your bathrooms to ensure high standards. Factors to consider include;  

  • Handle all unpleasant smells using air fresheners and regular, consistent cleaning.  
  • Settling on a color scheme is most suitable for conveying a sense of cleanliness. Light colors are ideal for evoking such feelings.  
  • An added consideration would be installing speakers to enhance the feeling of privacy. The music provides ample background noise that helps to guarantee that all noises within are limited to the hearing of the occupant.  

It is advisable to bring in a specialist in the design of commercial bathrooms to guide you in developing a feasible plan that best suits your needs.  

6. Embrace Color and Enjoy its Benefits

Modern office innovation has witnessed a bold move from the classic office aesthetic. This movement has been necessitated by a need to accommodate more vibrant colors.  

Various pigments are now being used to color-code various departments in the office. Color coding also extends to office supplies, e.g., printers, desks, and other types of furniture.  

Color has a psychological impact. Incorporating bright colors boosts innovation and creativity in the office setting. The same effect also applies to visitors who’ll recognize your office as being an environment with a creative work culture.  

7. Silence is Key to Productivity

A healthy working environment provides ample silence to facilitate concentration and ensure sensitive work is done well.  

A healthy working environment also provides opportunities for spontaneous conversations with other employees.  

Such interactions are critical to well-being, performance, and creativity. Therefore, a commercial office renovation strategy should aim to strike a balance between these two states. This balance can be achieved through.  

  • Sound Masking: The ambient sound helps to drown out all the conversation around your employees, allowing them to concentrate on their work. These employees can then join their colleagues for a slight banter once the work is done.  
  • Quiet Spaces: Quiet spaces are designated soundproof rooms where employees can work intensively. The room is especially significant if an employee has deadlines to beat or the work demands maximum concentration.  

8. Space Planning Will Determine Which Ideas to Undertake

It is prudent to run your ideas by a specialist in space planning before you incorporate them into your office remodeling plan. You might have some great ideas, but not all will be compatible with your office space.  

A specialist will help you cut through the unfeasible ideas until you have only a few that will work. The advantage for you here is that you do not have to work on ideas that weren’t going to work in the first place.  

The range of office functions that space planning touches on include;  

  • Creative use of storage  
  • How to optimally use resources.  
  • The needs of employees.  
  • The number of necessary communal and private spaces.  
  • Data privacy.  

9. Orient Your Employees to their Renovated Workstations

The ultimate sign that your commercial office renovation efforts are bearing fruit is when your staff greatly enjoys the new accommodation. When employees have a say in the office remodelling process, it guarantees a positive response.  

If, however, they don’t know what to expect, letting them navigate the office space by themselves won’t be a wise move. Not if you expect them to embrace the new layout and be productive immediately.  

Giving the employees time to familiarize themselves with their new workstations is crucial. Employees who don’t understand how new technology works must be aware before they resume any work.  

10. Active Communication Facilitates a Smooth Renovation

When every member of the renovation process is aware of any happenings, ensure there are no misunderstandings. Creating a communication plan ensures everyone is on the same page regarding work schedules.  

The parties involved include the contractors, the premises owner, the designers, and the employees.  

The design team should keep tabs on every party to address any concerns they might have or make necessary clarifications. Any new changes to the commercial office renovation plan should be common knowledge for everyone.  

11. Get the Best Construction Supplies

Fantastic design plans won’t result in much if one settles for low-quality construction supplies. The demands of office renovation require that a reliable, comprehensive provider of supplies is present on board.  

This would be a provider who can cater to all supplies ranging from lighting to the commercial bathroom.  

And It’s A Wrap!

For more exciting news and business insights, check out our other posts. Whether you are looking for business plan tips to make your growing business succeed or how you can expand your business into a new region, we have you covered with a wealth of information.  

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Additional Reading:

Author Bio: Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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