7 Signs Your Business Needs a Better Conference Calling System
by Abdul Aziz Mondal Business Published on: 15 June 2021 Last Updated on: 27 December 2024
As the modern world continues to adapt to technology, we see it being used in our everyday lives. From education to business, we are seeing fast rates of technology adaptation year over year, as well as the exponential growth that comes with it.
So, is your business harnessing the modern technologies made to make your business more productive? Well, let’s start with your communication?
Are you still using outdated technology to have video talks and communicate with the team? If so, it might be time to update your conference technology, and maybe more. Here are 7 signs it’s time to get a better conference calling system.
1. Video quality is poor:
Look, it’s 2021, and if you still see all the pixels of a 3-megapixel camera, it’s time to update your video conference software. A crisp and clear video should be a huge priority when it comes to your business’ conference calling system.
If you can see the graphs and charts that are being presented, you can give correct feedback or answers to questions. Your service should be able to provide you, and everyone who has to use it, with the best quality video no matter what.
2. Audio is muffled:
Sometimes it’s hardware, sure, but audio muffling can be coming from your conference calling software, too. Poor audio quality can lead to misunderstandings between team members, clients, and so much more. Don’t fall victim to poor sound quality, just get a better conference calling system and let all microphones be heard just fine.
3. You can’t share screens:
Having everyone be able to look at the same document is great, but what if you could just share your screen and show all of us where you are pointing. Oh, you can’t. Ouch, looks like it’s time to upgrade your conference calling system. You should be able to share your screen and interact with the items on it, directly from your conference calling platform.
4. You can’t control screens:
So you can share screens, but can you hand over controls so the person on the other end can show you exactly what they are looking for? If your conference calling system can’t let the person you are talking to take control of your screen, you are missing out on an amazing tool for interviewing and team meetings.
5. You would need ANOTHER platform to make a webinar from your calls:
Webinars are really popular these days, so do you have a way to turn your content into webinars? The very best video conferencing systems will be able to help you turn your recordings and live content into webinars where you can interact and educate your audience. That’s an extremely powerful tool if you are ready to teach someone your specialty step-by-step.
6. Call Keep Dropping:
The best way to lose business is by constantly dropping off your calls. This only wastes time, so having a stable connection is a must for productivity. If you have to worry about the connectivity of your conference call, you’re in big trouble. Look for a low latency conference calling system to improve your business interactions internally and externally.
7. You Have Remote Employees:
Remote work has been on the rise lately, especially after COVID-19 helped shift the economic landscape towards it. Getting your remote works associated with one video conference will help them understand exactly where everyone is, and how to access them. There aren’t curveballs like picking the wrong link on the meeting invite.
The quality comes into play here too. Having a great conferencing system can help employees actually work together in real-time, whether they are down the block or thousands of miles away. Really, a great conferencing system can help you expand your business opportunities all around the world, and your workforce can follow.
Don’t Lose Out to Poor Conference Calling Software:
As a company, productivity is the key to success, so having to deal with terrible software day in and day out only gets frustrating for employees and clients alike. Instead of fumbling around with outdated tech, really take the time to choose between conference calling service providers to find a solution that can help your company be productive. If you get this basic tool right, it can be the difference between improving your business or waiting for the call to load…
It might sound like we’re exaggerating, but a great video conferencing system can really save you money and make you money. Between not losing sales to dropped calls and replacing your phone overseas, you can get so much value out of an amazing video conferencing system. So if you want to make a huge impact in your business today, start with improving your technology so your team can work together better.
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