Why you need to invest in burner management systems
by Abdul Aziz Mondal Investing Published on: 27 February 2018 Last Updated on: 22 September 2018

Boilers and burners are critical to the operations of some production facilities. It is a crucial component of the productivity of any company, and thus, there needs to be a system that manages it to maintain reliable, efficient, and safe operation of these systems. There is also need to reduce the cost of repairs and machine downtime to guarantee continuous production. Any boiler or heating system is a modular device with several different parts that work in unison. As these parts are procured from various suppliers, it is critical that they are integrated into regular operation by a burner management system.
Hazards of ungoverned burner systems :
In the day to day operations of a heating system, several mechanical and operational gremlins may arise. There is need to guarantee the longevity of the whole system. A burner system is the most critical component of any boiler system. Their operation requires impeccable attention, intensive training, and unmatched experience. The poor performance of the burner system will translate into underperformance of the whole system, and it will not match its production quota.
The hazard of acquiring the parts from multiple sources is that no particular company is willing to bear the load of the responsibility of integrating the system to work harmoniously and guarantee the success of the whole process. If any incident occurs as a result of these many different systems, there will be a blame game as no one will be willing to acknowledge it is their part that failed. There is the need for a system that troubleshoots the whole process and outlines the faulty components of the mechanisms of the system while also keeping the entire system in standard operating parameters. For optimum performance, the following is paramount.
Sole responsibility :
Having a burner management system ensures that failure is the sole responsibility of the company producing burner management system. The provider of the management system takes full responsibility in case the system fails in detecting any deficiencies in the system that will result in downtime.
Safety :
REI Burner Management Systems efficiently and consistently determines accurate health and safety impact of fire equipment and manages the operations of each component of the heating system. They offer a practical alternative by providing models for the minimum operating conditions and the range to which various components in the integrated system can work without spoiling the other parts of the system. The combustion equipment will get started, be monitored, shutdown and managed by REI Burner Management Systems.
External Control :
Burner management systems determine the proper sequence of starting the burners, control the flame, and control the flow of fuel to ensure optimum performance with the manageable use of resources. They can override the system and halt production if one of the factors shoots beyond the controllable range. They prevent the damage of the combustion system and avoid incidences that will affect safety or the quality of production or accident in the factor.
The decrease in insurance premiums :
They act as a simplification of the whole system by integrating all controls into one center of command. They can also be a reason for the decrease in insurance premiums because they are a safety device and therefore can increase compliance with the standard provided by the various governing bodies of the industries.
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