Should You Consider a Private Cloud Provider?
by Mashum Mollah Business Security Systems Published on: 27 August 2018 Last Updated on: 27 September 2024

Cloud computing is a term that has brought lots of promises to companies across industry lines. Now, more than ever, people are aware of cloud services and the real benefits they can provide to companies. For many, however, selecting the right cloud provider can be difficult, and even understanding the terminology used among cloud companies is difficult. Choosing a good Cloud Company begins with understanding the difference between the terms public and private cloud provider.
There are two major types of clouds out there. A public cloud is a type where a third party company, say Amazon Web Services, owns some resources companies (or private individuals) can access through the internet. Any cloud user with that provider shares the available resources. Think of it a bit like a block of flats. The landlord leases flat space to the tenants, and they can use that space. All of the resources are shared – the elevator, the green space, etc. Public cloud users share all of the same hardware, storage, and network devices.
A private cloud, however, is designed to serve a single enterprise. It may, however, rest within the resources the company already has or in a new data infrastructure, but either way, the enterprise involved is the only one using that infrastructure. The hardware is exclusive to that company.
Why a Private Cloud Provider May Be Best
There are many reasons you may want to consider a private cloud, but one of the most important is security. Every business is seriously concerned with security today, and with good reason. One recent study found there is a hacker attack every 39 seconds, and your business could easily be the next target. Remember, if the National Health Service isn’t safe, your company isn’t likely to be either, and a private cloud can help to minimize your risk. A private cloud, though, means dedicated hardware, and that means physical and network security you might not get with a public cloud.
The customization is the other real benefit to a private cloud. In the world of business, one-size-fits-all solutions just don’t exist. A private cloud, though, will allow you to create your own infrastructure with the right storage and networking characteristics so it meets the needs of your company perfectly. You choose your requirements based on your size, your growth rate, your objectives, and more. You have absolute control over your data and infrastructure, so if changes are needed, you can make them in an instant.
Cost control is the other reason many companies find private clouds to be a better option. Some studies have found that private clouds, given all of their features and advantages, are ten times less expensive than public options for companies. It’s a level of savings you can’t afford to overlook.
If you think a private cloud is a way to go, you’re certainly not alone. A recent Yankee Group survey found that private cloud computing is preferred 2:1 over public solutions in a business environment. While it’s not right for everyone, it is a good choice for many companies today. Explore the benefits of both options before you make your selection.
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