8 Marketing Tips To Turn Visitors Into Customers

by Marketing Published on: 29 November 2023 Last Updated on: 26 June 2024

Marketing Tips To Turn Visitors Into Customers

Worried of slumping sales?  

Need quick measures to attract new customers and boost sales?  

It’s time for you to learn some new tricks. Upfront companies are using these tricks and they’re unstoppable.  

Here I will discuss some meaningful tips to market your brand and products.  

What you need is a quirky way to convert visitors into potential customers. Be ready to learn some helpful marketing strategies big brands are using to attract customers.  

QSRs- Efficient In The Art 

Here, we will discuss some interesting marketing approaches for QSR brands from the US. It is one of the competitive industries currently. We see the most appealing and unique marketing campaigns in this sector too.  

Above all, QSR brands must indulge in innovative marketing. To stay relevant in the market. The QSR is exceptionally growing at a CAGR of 9.21% till 2027. By now, 195,507 QSR brands already exist in the US.  

That speaks for the level of marketing efforts in this sector.  

Many fresh marketing ideas are waiting for you to discover. We will discuss multiple channels and media that you can leverage to use these strategies.  

We will span from content strategies to clever use of alternative media to charm customers. 

So read the article thoroughly and discover new means to master marketing.   

Engage With Your Customers On Social Media:

Engage With Your Customers On Social Media

Social media is an imperative marketing tool for assuring success. All companies can use the platform. However, we emphasize its benefits for the QSR industry especially.  

Most brands are coming up with innovative tactics to entice customers on social media channels.  

Some common social media channels for marketing and promotions are Facebook, X, Instagram, YouTube and others.  

Successful brands use some common methods of customer engagement. However, the most successful are continuous communication and feedback exchange.  

These strategies help to make your brand more humane. It also increases the chances of visitors becoming paying customers.  

Let’s see how Noodles and Company communicates with their audience in the US. 

Foremostly, they have set social ranges. Ranges refer to the niche(s) targeted by a single strategy.  

For instance, their meme style campaigns communicate with the millennials mainly. At the same time, they use a straightforward and simple communication style for Gen Z.  

For instance, Facebook and Insta posts about reward points, free food coupons and others attract Gen Z most likely.  

Now let’s explore some of the effective marketing tactics used by QSRs and other relevant brands. I’ve also discussed the key takeaways from the tactics that can help you.  

Implement Live Chat: 

One of the critical tools to engage customers in real-time is this tool. By having the option to chat with customers through your website, you can quickly answer any queries or concerns that visitors may have about your products or services. Prompt brand connectivity can leverage goodwill and trust around the brand. As an outcome, your conversion rates can increase manifold.  

Additionally, you can engage customers in live chats to extract niche data. Meanwhile, you can record the niche pain points and general demands.  

Hence, you can offer a better customer journey and your marketing strategies will also improve. Plus, having a live chat option can also give your business a competitive edge, as not all companies offer this feature.  

Burger King took the Live Chat feature to a new dimension. They use the social listening method to leverage pop culture. It is the key to their social media strategy as well.  

I bet you have also come across their posts on pop culture. We often see their posts initiating debates, a chain of discussion, and a cross-commentary in the comments section.  

This is the potential of truly gripping content.  

Implement An Exit Overlay: 

Exit overlay is a pop-up that appears when a visitor is about to leave your website. These overlays offer one last chance to capture their attention and convert them into customers before they click away. 

One of the interesting brands that use the exit overlay is Portillo’s. They make customized offers, and give flat discounts or other marketing commentary through exit overlays on their website.  

As a result of this unique marketing strategy, Potillo’s revenue increased 24.5%. Recently, they increased their prices twice. However, the burgeoning revenues, despite price hikes, speak immensely in favor of their exit overlay strategy.  

To effectively use an exit overlay, make sure it offers something of value to the visitor, such as a discount or free trial. This can entice them to reconsider leaving and potentially make a purchase. Exit overlays can be a powerful tool in increasing conversions, so be sure to incorporate them into your marketing strategy. 

Understanding B2B conversion rates for websites can guide you in optimizing these overlays for maximum impact, ensuring you’re not just capturing attention, but also driving meaningful engagement. By analyzing these rates, you can refine your strategy to better meet your B2B audience’s needs, making each exit overlay more than just a last chance for conversion, but a strategic part of your overall marketing efforts. 

Create Product Demo Videos: 

One of the best ways to attract potential customers is by showing them demo videos. However, the videos must convey necessary information related to the product offerings. The customers’ pain points must be covered, too.  

Therefore, videos play a key role in the brand’s customer engagement strategy.  

When customers know about the features and usage of a product, their affinity towards it grows.  

Experts say that demo videos will be useful for QSRs stepping into online delivery. As customers cannot physically enquire about a product, Demo Videos will be helpful.  

Visual demonstrations also increase the affinity to buy a product. This is an aspect of common customer psychology.  

Cross-platform sharing of product demo videos is also common. That way, brands can acquire more traffic on multiple social media sites.  

As a result, their reach increases. The brand thus becomes more customer-friendly as well. 

Customers can also share the demon videos from their accounts or pages. Experts call this word-of-mouth marketing.   

So, it’s high time that you get some effective product demo videos for your brand.  

Let’s talk about McDonald’s- a brand that took product demo videos to the next level.  

What Unique Did They Do? 

I recently saw one of their ads, where they named their ad the WcDonald’s Campaign. It is an attempt to capitalize on the growing popularity of anime worldwide. This naming gimmick is an attempt to associate the brand name with an old trope in anime.  

At the same time, I saw a YouTube video of CosMcs, an absolutely new restaurant concept.  

McDonald’s also created viral TikTok videos based on their Grimace- a purple shake. This limited-edition product created noticeable FOMO in the market.  

Offer Something For Free: 

Everyone loves a good deal, and offering something for free is an excellent way to entice potential visitors to try out your products or services. This could be anything from a free trial, sample, or consultation session. By giving away something of value at no cost, you’re building trust with potential customers and showing them that you believe in the quality of your offerings. 

Moreover, this gesture can also serve as a lead generation tool, allowing you to collect contact information and follow up with interested prospects. 

Moreover, offering something for free can also create a sense of urgency and encourage potential visitors to make a purchase before the offer expires.  

There are many brands offering free extras in the QSR industry. Some of the brands that rely on this strategy heavily are KFC and Burger King.  

Recently, KFC launched a viral marketing move. So, now you can enjoy 5 pieces free nuggets from KFC if you make a minimum bill of $10.  

The offer is valid on online purchases only.  

On one hand, it largely increases brand awareness. On the other hand, it helps to improve the product popularity of KFC’s nuggets.  

Implement Signs Of Social Proof: 

Signs of social proof, such as customer reviews and testimonials, can be powerful marketing tools. It is a useful tool to net potential customers who are on the fence about making a purchase. These signs serve as evidence that your products or services have satisfied previous customers and can do the same for them. 

Make sure to prominently display these signs of social proof on your website, social media pages, and other marketing materials to maximize their impact. You can also encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews or provide testimonials by offering them incentives or creating a loyalty program. 

As a unique example of Social Proof, you will find ads for Subway, Pizza Hut and other brands with user reviews. These QSRs know that customers prefer organic reviews. So, influencers and actors pose as common users in their ads. 

Set Up Conversion Tracking: 

One of the most critical aspects of turning visitors into customers is tracking your conversion rates. By implementing conversion tracking tools like Google Analytics, you can gain insights.

For instance, you can get an idea of how many visitors are converting into paying customers. You may also learn which pages are most effective at converting, and where you may be losing potential customers. 

Using this data, you can make informed decisions about your marketing strategies and optimize them for better conversion rates. Without tracking conversions, it’s challenging to know what’s working and what’s not in your marketing efforts. 

Track Your Visitors Movements: 

It’s crucial to track your visitors’ movements on your website and analyze their behavior. This will give you valuable insights into which pages they spend the most time on, what content they engage with, and at what point they leave your site. 

By understanding this data, you can optimize your website and marketing strategies to better cater to the needs of potential customers and increase conversions. This could include making your website more user-friendly, improving the layout and design, or creating targeted content that addresses their pain points. 


Following the tips above can help any business take its marketing to the next level. From focusing on relationships and engagement to creating the perfect call to action, mastering these ideas can turn visitors into customers and further grow a business.  

As a reminder, it is important to research each customer or potential customer deeply and try to understand them as individuals so that your messaging resonates with them.  

The QSR brands have taken to the internet and social media channels, to achieve the same incentive.  

Be creative with your marketing strategy, and don’t be afraid to experiment a bit. With proper dedication and execution, your efforts should pay off in more ways than one. 

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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