Giving Back: Business Leaders Make Helping Others High Priority

by Entrepreneurship Published on: 26 March 2020 Last Updated on: 27 February 2025

business leaders

In a business world that has become increasingly globalized, it is now that the business leaders are more required. Many executives are more aware of social needs than ever before. And it’s not just awareness, but action, as leaders are now making philanthropic efforts a key part of their personal. Professional philosophies as they walk the talk and adopt charitable programs. The initiatives and causes as their missions. In many cases, they’re providing corporate support; in others; they’re donating their own time and financial resources.

Why Business Leaders are Needed?

Among a substantial number of twenty-first-century business leaders, philanthropy has become nearly as high a priority as profits. As these executives beat the drum for helping others. They’re inspiring new generations of CEOs and entrepreneurs to follow in their footsteps by helping others. Whether in their local communities or around the world.

Entrepreneurs are particularly charitable. In many cases, entrepreneurs started their companies literally in the garage. The business was and is their passion, and that passion extends to their charitable giving and activities as well. According to Jonathan Clogg, president of Tycon Capital, passion has a place in both charitable endeavors and entrepreneurship.

Why Passion is Considered to be the Cream of the Cake?

Some entrepreneurs, like Christopher Kape, founder of Vancouver-based JAMCO Capital Partners, are in a position in which they can help people both locally and around the world.  His strong desire to give back has led him to organize humanitarian trips abroad.  His various initiatives have ranged from promoting literacy in rural Uganda and India to serving as a board member and treasurer of Learning Buddies Network, a nonprofit organization that serves inner-city students in Vancouver.

How to start?

For entrepreneurs who are philanthropically inclined, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved right in your own neighborhood, community or city. It’s a good way to start out small, then expand your reach as your means grow.

One way to start is by simply making charitable contributions where you’ve identified a need. Your dollars, time and/or energy will always be appreciated, and you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve done your part.

“Charitable actions are highly profitable in building your personal branding, and yes, they also help the society as well.,” writes creative executive Molly St. Louis. “Charitable donation helps the society, and the people will notice that if you are really making an effort in helping society. Your donation can help to improve the facility of the school, children’s park, or can even the poor with their food.”

Creativity is the true essence of being an entrepreneur

Creativity has also inspired many entrepreneurs to contribute to society. Trina Spear and Heather Hasson, co-founded FIGS, a company that manufactures high-quality, fashionable yet comfortable scrub sets for medical professionals.

They also launched an initiative called Threads for Threads through which they donate a set of scrubs to a healthcare provider in a less-fortunate country for each set sold. However, according to, by late 2018 they’d reached 28 different countries. “The clean scrubs provided in the charitable action, reduce the hospital’s infection, FIGS is helping in the medical field. This way you win both ways. First by helping others and second by creating a good persona in front of  others.”

So, whether you write checks, get involved personally or find interesting ways to deliver your philanthropic support, know that what you do is needed and appreciated. Helping others is a sign of good business leaders.

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Author Bio: Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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